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Appearance: 5'7, pastel pink hair, light green eyes

Loves: talking, gossiping, her friends, ships

Dislikes: people telling her to shut up

Roommates: Leo and Virgo

Roommates: Leo and Virgo

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Appearance: 5'3, brown hair, blue eyes

Loves: love, food, cats, adventures

Dislikes: egoistic people

Roommates: Libra and Sagittarius

Roommates: Libra and Sagittarius

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Appearance: 5'6, blond hair, dark brown eyes

Loves: hanging out with her friends, boys drama, parties

Dislikes: being alone

Roommates: Virgo and Gemini

Roommates: Virgo and Gemini

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Appearance: 5'4, light blue hair, dark blue eyes

Loves: anime, manga, dancing, singing, video games, music

Dislikes: being under stress, panic attacks

Roommates: Leo and Gemini

Roommates: Leo and Gemini

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Appearance: 5'5, black hair, grey eyes

Loves: gossip, ships, parties, dancing, giving relationship advice

Dislikes: books (prefers movies), rude people

Roommates: Cancer and Sagittarius

Roommates: Cancer and Sagittarius

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Appearance: 5'6, brown hair, brown eyes

Loves: freedom, making parties, sports, ships

Dislikes: losing, when someone is telling her what to do

Roommates: Libra and Cancer

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