She didn't understand why Felix was being so cruel. Of course she would remember who he was. He was the missing boy her entire town was looking for for years. It made no sense how he would think she just wouldn't remember that. As Wendy was lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize that Timothy had approached her.

"Hey, Wendy."

Wendy jumped then let out a sigh at the boy at her side. 

"Hello Timothy."

"Didn't mean to scare ya." Timothy chuckled as he rubbed the back of his head. Wendy smiled at him as she realized that Timothy wasn't as young as the other boys. He looked to be about Wendy's age and had dark brown hair that was longer on the sides. He was dressed in all brown with patches that was similar to what all the other boys wore. Wendy also noticed that he had crystal blue eyes, almost as blue as the ocean before them.

"Wendy, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'm sorry about Felix." Timothy said.

"Oh no. You don't need to apologize."

"Oh, Wendy. Your neck, it doesn't look too good."

Wendy gingerly touched her neck as the pressure of her fingers caused pain that made her wince. She regrettably knew there was going to be a bruise. 

"Why don't you come sit with us by the fire? Take your mind off things?" Timothy smiled at her.

"Okay." Wendy said as she started to walk back with Timothy towards the other boys who were laughing and throwing stones at each other by the fire.

Wendy took a seat as the boys laughed with each other. Their laughter stopped as they noticed she had joined their group. She could feel them looking at her neck and she wished she could cover it up so the stares would end.

"You okay, Wendy?" the boy to her left asked. Wendy thought his name was Evan, or was it Ryan?

"Oh, yes. I'm fine." There was an awkward silence for a moment then Wendy spoke up again, "Please, don't stop joking around. You all seemed like you were having fun."

The silence continued as Wendy stared at her hands, not knowing what else to say. 

"Well, we actually had some questions we wanted to ask." Timothy said

"Yea, I'm sure Pan would be happy about that." George said as he rolled his eyes.

"She knows more than we do. She could answer our questions that Pan refuses to tell us."

"What are your questions?" Wendy asked with a smile. "I want to help you all as much as I can."

She looked to each boy as her eyes fell on Alfie. He had his head down as he wiping away tears.

"Alfie, come here." Wendy said as she reached her hands out to him. He sniffled and his red eyes met hers as he ran over. He jumped into her arms as she hugged him and rubbed his hair. 

"I couldn't help you, Wendy. I'm sorry." Alfie cried into her shoulders.

"Oh, Alfie. That's not your job. I'm fine. Everything's going to be fine."

All of the boys looked at her and they all had small smiles on their faces. All except George who was writing in the sand with a stick.

Wendy put Alfie on her lap and she turned her attention back to the boys with her. 

"Let's hear those questions."

"Well...who is Grayson?" Timothy asked.

"Grayson is Felix's younger brother. They used to live in my town back in England."

They all looked at her in confusion. 

"Do you know where England is?"

"We only know Neverland. We don't know any other places." Evan said.

"Well, I'm from England."

"And you're saying Felix is also from...England?"


George chuckled insincerely, "That's a lie."

Wendy looked at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"If Felix did have a brother, we would have known him. We are all from Neverland. We never lived anywhere else."

"That's not possible." Wendy protested, "You had to have lived in other places. You all had to be born from somewhere. What about your mothers?"

Alfie looked up at Wendy, "What's a mother, Wendy?"


GUYS WHAT??? Over 100 reads???

Literally I thought no one would even bother reading this book omg this is crazzzyyyy

Thank you all so so much!!

I'm sorry for the late update I just got back to school and things are crazzzyyyyy busy. I'll try to publish as much as I can though because things are going to get so much more insane that I can't wait.

Please vote and comment what you think so far!!!!

Much love, 

Sarah K.

Wendy || • A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) fanfic •Where stories live. Discover now