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@MaskedWriterDonut (aka Shadowphantom929)

Treacius Teaser!
Featuring Nexus and Ron Ward.

For entertainment purposes, please use the following youtube link:

In a land far far away---No. That is not how we actually start. Ahem. Is this even on----Okay. Let's start in five! Four! Three! Two!

In the mystical land of "Da Bronx", it was as peaceful as most nights go. There were busy New Yorkers catching a late night flick and car horns were honking incessantly. There were also many people up way past their bedtimes doing seedy shit and selling weed. All of this seemed to be so peaceful but in the distance, something dark was brewing. A person in a white suit next to a local park was assaulting a nest of primordial hornets! Just a normal day in (Da) Bronx! (The writers already disliked the person in the white suit for attacking innocent hornets. So before the story actually gets anywhere, I, Nomorereason and Shadowphantom would like to say that there no hornets harmed in the making of this story. However, the same could not be said about the caretakers of those hornets.)Said man in white suit was not having a good day. Mostly his fault, since he actually poked the hornet's nest. Both literally and figuratively. (Disclaimer, again, attacking hornets is a really bad idea. Especially at night.)

"Go fight the hornets they said. You'll be fine they said. I'm a Kamen Rider they said."

"To be fair, you didn't exactly go for the most efficient method of killing them." The Rider rolled his eyes under the helmet, his partner not wrong per say.

But how was he supposed to know that destroying the nest would not just intimidate the entire swarm away? It was not as if he had done this before. Honestly, the man felt like things were a bit off on this job. That said, his first clue should have been that the nest being more bulky than the example pictures that had were shown at the mission briefing. The second clue should have been the fact that hornets were not normally active so late at night. Hell, the hornet workers should be sleeping. Something was not adding up here.

"Anyway! You have a way to deal with these guys?!" The blonde man took a moment to think.

His immediate thought was to set them on fire because if punching something to hell failed as an option, setting it on fire was a good alternative. However, they were all out in the open and an open flame of that magnitude was a bad idea. Not to mention there was grass and trees, both being highly flammable. An employee of the month would not just set the entire park on fire. He had to think about the children that enjoyed running around in the park. He was already going to hell for attacking innocent hornets for no reason.

"Have you tried shooting them yet?"

"'Have you tried shooting them yet?'Noooo, that just completely slipped my mind. Thank you for the fantastic advice!"

After giving his companion a dirty look, his hand on his firearm, he proceeded to fire off a shot at the bees in spite. He turned look at his friend, going to give him a "any more stupid ideas?" look before something surprised him! He actually managed to hit one of the hornets. What was even more alarming though, was that it did not die from it.

"Huh, that's new."

"Are you sure you hit it?"

"I don't know, what do YOU think?"

"You couldn't shoot a paper bag if it was right in front of you using a sniper rifle."

"That is not the point, I'm pretty sure that we both just saw that hornet tank a shot from a laser pistol!"

Kamen Rider Superiusजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें