Chapter 1 : First Meetings

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Your POV
"Ms.[S/N]!!! GO HELP SASABE-SAN FOR THE AUDITIONS" my boss yelled from the other side of the hall im standing at then i sighed tiredly then i yelled back "Yes Sir!" then my co worker said "Good Luck" then he smiled then i sighed and said "Thanks i need it...a lot" then she chuckled then i went to the room where the auditioners are getting ready for their act then i went inside then i said "umm Auditions are starting in 40 minutes please stand by we will pick the numbers randomly"

then someone suddenly caught my eye then i looked at him then realized its Kohatsu Allen my childhood friend and best friend then i said "Len-len your auditioning?!" then he sighed and said "i told you to stop calling me that were not kids anymore" then you just chucked and you said "yeah sure Allen-chan" then he said "yeah im auditioning as Iwaizumi Hajime"

then you smiled and you said "well Good luck then" then suddenly someone approached Kohatsu and said "Koh-chan~" then i looked to the man beside Kohatsu and blushed annoticed because 1 he looks really handsome and 2 he smiled at me and 3 he's like Oikawa Tooru my big big anime Crush then the guy said "Koh-chan how was my 'iwa-chan' thing" then Kohatsu answred "you did great you may be actually be Oikawa Tooru" then the guy grinned

Then the guy looked at me and gave me an confused look then i blushed from embarrassment because i know why he gave me an questioning look i was staring at him then i instantly looked away still blushing then Kohatsu smirked and said "Hey Asuma this is my childhood friend also my best friend [S/N] [F/N]"

and then i saw Kohatsu nudged Asuma's arm then Asuma said "Hello [S/N]-chan~ im Asuma Kousuke auditioning to play Oikawa Tooru~" then he grinned and tilted his head a little like Oikawa my eyes widen a bit because its really like Oikawa then i grabbed the hand extended to me for a handshake the i nodded and i said "i-its nice to meet y-you Asuma-san" i bowed a little then Kohatsu teased "gosh you just met him and you already had a crush" then you blushed Asuma blushed an unnoticeable blush then i punched Kohatsu's arm and i said "No!I dont!" then i went out of the room

Asuma's POV
[S/N]-chan i really cute i wanna hug and kiss her then i smiled wait what, what am i thinking i cant do that i dont even know her well i know her now so... "Oi" Kohatsu was calling me "Y-yes?" "you've been staring to that door ever since [F/N] left, you like her or somethin'?" then i just raised my shoulders and said "i dunoo, maybe?"

then Kohatsu just raised an eyebrow and i smiled then he said "you know i know who's her crush tho" "really? who?" why am i even interested to know who's her crush? i asked my self "heheh its Oikawa Tooru the one your auditioning for" then i just nodded

then he said "and your just like Oikawa on and off the stage she might fall for you hahahhaha" then i just pouted and went back to practice still thinking about [S/N]-chan i then smiled without me noticing

After a while [S/N] came and she said "Auditioners, auditions is starting now please wait for your number to be called you may now wait outside in the audience seats so that you can also watch the others performance thank you" i smiled and walked to her and i said "[F/N]-chan lets go there together~" then i grinned then she gave me a questioning look

then she said "[F/N]-chan?" then i said "yeah its your name right?" "yeah but i-its my first name" she blushed so cuteeee i thought and i said "oh sorry if your not comfortable" then she nodded then grabbed her hand i said "so lets go~" she blsuhed from the sudden contact we made i also blushed and let go of her hand "sorry" "its Asuma-san we better go there now" she i nodded

then we went to the audience seats i sat beside her i smiled to myself because i got to be with [F/N]-chan she's so cute she's smiling what is she thinking about that made her smiled like that does she have a boyfriend?! wait why am i so worried if she had a boyfriend or not i snapped out of my thoughts when [F/N] shaked my left arm and she said "Asuma-san are you alright? you look troubled, is something wrong?are you not feeling well, do you need to rest for a while ill tell them to let you be the last one?" she cared for me the i said "a-ah y-yeah im fine thank you, just thinking..about things" then she nodded and said "are you sure?" "yeah, thanks for worring about me" then i smiled sweatly at her she blushed again
and she looked soooo cutteeee

then after a while
"Number 6, auditioning for Oikawa Tooru!" the announcer called my number i stood up then [F/N] said "Good Luck Asuma-san hope you get the role" i looked at her she's smiling at me i blushed and i said smiling "Thanks [S/N]-chan i promise ill get the role"

then she waved at me while i get down to the stage i went to the middle stage the announcer said "Asuma Kousuke auditioning for Oikawa Tooru, Good luck" then i nodded at the announcer then i started my act i act around like Oikawa Tooru after a while im done with my act then the Judges wispered to each other then i prayed to get the role because i promised [F/N] ill get the role then i looked at where [F/N] is at then she smiled at me and gave me thumbs up

then i nodded and smiled back at her then the judge called the announcer and wispered somthing to her then the announcer smiled and said "Asuma Kousuke, Congratulations you got the role practice starts tomorrow here at 9 in the morning" i was really happy i got the role i smiled and said "Thank you!!"

then i went straight to [S/N] she stands up and i hugged her she hugged me back she said "Congrats Asuma-san!" "Thank you [S/N]-chan!" then suddenly Kohatsu came up to us and said "my my my just met today and now their acting like boyfriends and girlfriends tsk tsk tsk" he smirked

then me and [F/N] pulled away from each other blushing i got a little sad because i wanna hug her more she smells really good amd her skin is really soft then [S/N] said "Allen-chan im glad you got also the role" "thanks [F/N]-chan" she smiled at Kohatsu i felt kinda jealous i pouted

Auditions are over me,Kohatsu and [F/N] are at the lobby talking yo each other about stuffs then [S/N] said "Allen-chan , Asuma-san ill see you i still have a little work to do here, congrats again in the new role"

then before she walked off i said "[S/N]-chan!" she turned back at us and said "yes? Asuam-san" "c-can i have your number y-you know f-for emergencies" i scratched the back of my neck she chuckled so cute i blushed then she grabbed my left hand and she wrote her number in my plam and she run off somewere i looked at my palm i blushed then Kohatsu said "happy?, trashikawa" i smiled "very much, iwa-chan~" we laughed then we went to our houses.

About Author 😋
Has big big big big crush on Asuma Kousuke thats why i
created this book😂

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