| chapter eighteen |

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' you will be my one forever'

IT HAD BEEN A FEW YEARS since the problem with the now dead Stacie

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IT HAD BEEN A FEW YEARS since the problem with the now dead Stacie. Selina, Bella and Edward had taken their relationship to the next level, and all three were now happily married and even had twins. It was weird how Selina got pregnant, but it must have been because she was a different kind of vampire.

The elder twin was named Renesmee Carlie Cullen while the younger twin was named Candice Rose Cullen. They were hybrids, and while the Volturi thought they were immortal children, they were proved wrong very quickly.

Renesmee was imprinted on by Jacob Black, Selina's best friend. After a long conversation, Selina allowed the two to date when they grew older.

Candice was mates to the twins, who were happy they got a mate, and they went through the same thing as Jacob.

The Eight of them all lived in a house next to the Cullen's place, in Forks. They wanted their own home and they got it.

So in short, the three mates lived happily ever after. Their dreams were coming true as love, happiness and joy filled them for the rest of their lives.

And this was the story of Selina and her mates Edward Cullen and Bella Cullen.

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