Deadpool part 2

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Liam was down the hall and saw that the coast seemed clear. He looked around the corner and let his eyes fall on Scott and Stiles down the hall. After he told them about Garrett paying for the keg, which he remembered Mason telling him as he was recalling the party that he thought Liam missed, Stiles quickly called his father with the news. After that, Stiles then asked Liam where Garrett's locker was. Now he was being their lookout while Scott and Stiles searched.

"I knew there was a reason I didn't like this guy," Stiles muttered before he moved in on the locker.

Scott nodded at Liam, who nodded back to let them know it was safe, before looking over at Stiles who was trying to open it. "Got it yet?"

"Almost," Stiles breathed as he turned the dial slowly. "I've always wanted to do this." He heard the click and then went and opened it. "Yes," he said as he let his gaze wander inside. There were quite a few things in here. Stiles took a sniff but shook his head. "No scent of blood."

"Look inside. Maybe he left a copy of the Deadpool in there." Stiles quickly began to rummage through Garrett's things. "Careful. We don't want him to know anyone was in here," Scott reminded him.

"Yeah, I know," Stiles said as he looked through a textbook for any hidden papers. He then put it in and looked over at where Liam was keeping the lookout for Garrett. "It's nice to have someone else on watch for a change."

Scott's eyebrows rose up a bit. "You were on watch only once." He knew Stiles was thinking back to the time that Scott had to sneak onto the bus where the Alpha had attacked the driver.

"Yeah, one time too many." Stiles then opened a notebook and a slip of paper fell out. He unfolded it to find that it was a hard copy of the Deadpool. The first part of the list. "Scott."

Scott moved to look over his shoulder to look at the list. Over Demarco's name there was a checkmark made in a red pen and another next to Carrie's. "It is him," he breathed out. "He's the one that killed Demarco and Carrie."

"Yeah," Stiles mumbled darkly. Two werewolves that were innocent and minded their own business before they were killed to fill someone's pockets. He could only imagine, Garrett and that smug face of his, as he was standing over Demarco's decapitated body and Carrie's stabbed one, as he thought of nothing but the money that their corpses had brought him.

Stiles' breathing became a little hard and deep at the dark thoughts running through his mind. Scott stiffened as he heard that and looked over to see a small sapphire gleam pass his friend's eyes as he glared at the paper in his hands.

Scott's jaw tightened as he quickly looked over at Liam who was still watching out for Garrett for them. He looked uncomfortable and Scott could understand why. This guy was a friend of his and he was helping him and Stiles break into his locker and look through his stuff. They had to hurry this along. "Anything else? Are there more parts to the Deadpool in there?"

Stiles took a deep breath and began to check the rest of the book but nothing else fell out. "No. And it doesn't look like there's really anything else in the locker. No other parts of the Deadpool or any blades or thermal cut wires."

"Okay, well put it all back. We got to get out here."

Stiles quickly put the paper back in the book and checked to make sure that the locker looked as untouched as possible before closing it. They then moved over for Liam who was waiting anxiously.

"Well?" he asked.

"It is him," Scott told him. "He has a copy of the list."

"And the names of the last two were marked off," Stiles added a little darkly.

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