Chapter 6 James: Good-byes

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I felt Lily’s presence in the room when I heard her quiet footsteps. Lily said “Hey James, can I ask you something?” I quickly stuff the rose away in my coat before Lily could see it. If she saw it then my plan would be ruined.

“Shoot.” I answered casually.  Lily laughed at my response. Her laugh reminded me of silver bells ringing on a Christmas morning. I laughed at her laugh.

Lily started giggling but, then her face turned to a somewhat serious look. “Do you have any family?” Lily questioned.

“No.” I quickly replied then faked a half-hearted sigh.

“Oh I’m sorry to hear that, James.”

“What about you?” I asked. I think I already knew the answer this question.

Lily quietly answered, “Yeah, I do. My mum, my dad, my grandparents on both sides, and many cousins, aunts and uncles.” She had that same sad look on her face when I asked her about the necklace around her neck and she said her sister got it for her birthday.

For some reason, I couldn’t help but try to make her feel better. So, I made a stupid face, trying to get her to laugh. I wanted to hear her laugh again. I loved her laugh. Lily smiled and laughed a little. “Yes succeeded.” I thought smiling.

She poked me in the cheek to get my attention. I ignored her of course. Lily poked me in my harder. Ignore. Poke twice. “James... James?... James?!... JAMES!” SHe yelled. I jumped in air and landed on my bum. Then I heard Lily’s sweet laugh again. She helped me up.

“What?” I asked looking at her smiling.

Then, she asked with big puppy eyes, “If its not any trouble of me asking if it was possible if you could come visit me again? Pretty please with whipped cream, peanuts, and a red maraschino cherry on top.”

“I will, Lily. I promise I’ll make a visit each night.” I said laughing as we walked from the window and we got to the front door.

“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” Lily blurted out excitedly. I stared at her in complete shock. She was acting like a giddy, high school girl at this minute. “She is one weird girl.” I thought with a quizzical expression on my face.

Before I knew it, Lily stood up on her toes and softly placed a kiss on my icy, pale cheek. I was shocked. No girl has ever kissed me on cheek. Most of the girls I seen have either fainted of the sight of me or scream bloody murder and ran away. I felt the warmth of her hand next to mine, which I longed to grasp, but then it was gone. Lily backed up away from me.

“Bye.” She whispered smiling.

“Goodbye, Lily. I answered back as I flashed a fangy smile at her. I touched my tingling, warm cheek as I walked out the door. A new sensation filled me with joy. I glanced back at Lily.

She was waving goodbye to me.

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