p r o l o g u e

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c a l l i a h  a l e x o p o u l o s

"One black coffee and a blueberry muffin, correct?" I pulled the strand of hair behind my ear.

"Yes. How much is it?" The woman in front of me questioned, she had beautiful brunette hair and piercing light emerald eyes.

I typed down her order, "$6.45 dollars, ma'am." I answered, she smiled warmly. She must be in her twenties.

"Oh sweetie, please don't call me that. I sound old." The woman chuckled lightly, her voice like a lullaby. She pulled out $30 bunks.

"Keep the change." My lips parted at how generous she was, not a lot of people in New York was this kind or sweet.

They either were rude or fake. I guess if you just moved to the big apple, you'd feel like a small ant roaming around a new unexplored land.

She didn't look like she was born here, her accent was either Australian or America. "Thank you." I smile warmly at her,

"My name's Erica." She giggled, her last name ringed a bell, but I can't pin point it. She waved at me before waiting patiently inline.

"Babe? Yeah the boys lunch are in the fridge." I smiled at how cheerful she is. She must have an easy life,

I grabbed Erica's order and made her the black coffee. I guided my way over to Erica with her black coffee and muffin.

"I have to go, yes I'll call you later." Erica sighed as she ended the call. "Trouble?" I laughed making her nod, "Yeah. My sons said they were going to pull a prank on my husband,

I can already tell it's not going to be good." She deeply sighed as me and her walked our way over to a small table in the corner of the coffee shop.

" She deeply sighed as me and her walked our way over to a small table in the corner of the coffee shop

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

I asked my boss, Ahriman to give me a break, she kindly said yes, "It's beautiful here." Harley gasped, taking it in. I gotta agree, the room gives it a artsy vibe. Wooden tables and chairs, simple yet cute.

Each table either has a single rose in the middle of the table, or a whole pot of flower.

"Aren't go going to have something?" Erica raised an eyebrow, "Ah, no. I'm not that hungry-" My cheeks turned red from embarrassment as my stomach growled,

She broke out in laughter, "Oh my, you know. If you were hungry you could've said so." She wiped a single teardrop off her eye. Before getting up and walking to the front desk.

"Can I get the special breakfast please?" Erica asked sweetly, the woman behind the front desk nodded. My mouth dropped at how expensive it was.

"$45. 34 dollars, ma'am." The woman hesitantly took the $50 bunks in Erica's hand.

"There, breakfast for you." Erica grinned at my face, "I'll pay you back! I promise." I promised, while she laughed. "Don't worry about it." Erica finished off, sipping the last drop of coffee.

Velvet Tears | 14+ (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now