[3] Randomness

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I have so much work to do.

And also, I'm thinking of making a sort or 'tutorial' chapter of techniques I use when drawing, and all that shiz, since a lot of people requested this since the last book. Anyone want anything particular in that chapter? Like how I shade and colour, 'n stuff?

Aizawa, because he's awesome and I really want to draw a picture of him using his quirk, after

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Aizawa, because he's awesome and I really want to draw a picture of him using his quirk, after.

Aizawa, because he's awesome and I really want to draw a picture of him using his quirk, after

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I would have watched One Punch Man sooner if someone had told me it was this awesome. I'll show y'all some more doodles I did of him in the next chapter or something. Also, random doodle of Darwin, for some reason (>∀<)

And Gumball happy ?? I don't know why I drew it this way XD

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And Gumball happy ?? I don't know why I drew it this way XD

I drew this really good face angle and couldn't decide for two hours straight who I wanted to draw on that face because it was the only good face I've done in a while

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I drew this really good face angle and couldn't decide for two hours straight who I wanted to draw on that face because it was the only good face I've done in a while. So, I drew Keith! (I kind of headcanon him with freckles, so I drew that too   ;3;). I want to draw the other characters too, since I freaking love Pidge, man. Any Voltron fans?

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