9; Play by My Rules

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~Natasha's P.O.V.~

Today Vanessa said we were going to Ariana's party. Right now I was trying to zip up my dress from the back but no one was here besides Za and I.

"Za! Come! I need your help"

Approximately 3 minutes later he came rushing down the hallway.
"Can I come in?" Za said from the other side of the door

"Yeah, come in" I chuckled

Za was an amazing guy and he was one of my close friends that I shared with Justin.

He opened the door and laid down on the bed looking at me with an eyebrow raised

"Can you zip up my dress? Please" I smiled shyly and puckered my lips.

"Ahhh, fine" he sighed and smirk d up at me. "Maybe you gained weight" he laughed loudly

"You're such an ass" I snorted and Rolled my eyes "just help me"

"Okay, okay" he raised his hands in surrender and while he was trying to zip it up he complained about his girlfriend being a pain in the ass

In the process of me going him advice and him complaining he cursed under his breath earning a "what" from me

"It broke" za gasped and moved back

I'm just going to keep calm and bre- "are you fucking serious?" I just couldn't,

"Are you fucking serious!??" I yelled

"No, I'm just kidding" he laughed once again

"Can you like stop joking around!!" I whined "omg I was about to have a heart attack!!" I pouted

"Don't be so dramatic" za kept on laughing

He zip up my dress and plop himself on my bed again. I went to my mirror and graved my make up bag and started doing my make up

"Are you going to the party?" I asked

and looked at him through the mirror

"Yeah. But I don't know what to wear" he said not once taking his eyes of the phone

"Wear anything. It's not a fancy party so just put on your saggy pants, a shirt, supras, and fix everything up." I suggested

"What is justin wearing?" Za asked

"Dunno. FaceTime him" I shrugged

I finished doing my make up and now I'm doing my hair.

"What's up?" I heard justin say through the other line

"What are you wearing?" Za asked as he looked at me doing hand gestures to him

"What?!" Za laughed

"What what?" Justin asked confused

"Oh uh no nothing" za kept on laughing once he saw that a spider was bothering me

"OMG! Take it off! Take it off!" I yelled

"Hold on" za said to justin

He stood up and graved a shoe and killed it

"There" za chuckled

He went back to my bed and started talking to justin while I finished getting ready

"You should get ready because the party starts in a hour" I said to za

"Oh hey Natasha!" Justin smiled through the phone

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