Chapter 2: Strange

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Time: 10:21 A.M.

Area: Your House

Weather: Sunny (Fall)




"Y/N, Keep An eye on Him for us.", Mom said.

"He'll Keep You Safe.", Mom said to me as she started to fade away.

"Wait! What do you mean By that?!", I shouted Suddenly.


I jumped up from bed.

I sighed.

"Just a dream Y/N.", I said to myself.

I looked next to me and Ciel is gone.

"Ciel?", I said out loud.

"Huh.", I said to myself.

I then got up and got ready for the day.

Once I finished I went Downstairs then saw Ciel surrounded by books.

"Ciel? What are you doing silly Cat.", I said coming towards him.

He mowed at me then looked back at the book.

From where he was sitting it looks like he was reading them.

"What a mess you've made.", I said to him Quietly.

I tried to pick up all the books up but Ciel put his paw on me.

"What's this you don't want me to pick them up?", I asked him.

He meowed back.

I giggled.

"Alright. I'll be back in 5 minuets so I could clean up.", I said to him laughing a bit.

I then went into the kitchen and suddenly I saw A plate of Eggs and Bacon, with a note right beside on.

I  was confused.

I came towards the food and smelled the delicious aroma.

It was still hot.

I then picked up the note and read it.

+Thank you for taking Care of My Lord+

'Lord?', thought to myself confused.

I looked at Ciel.

He was still reading the books.

'Who wrote this? Who made this meal?', I questioned myself.

The Bacon and Eggs Smelled and Looked Delicious But I was hesitant towards eating them.

Until I felt something rubbing against my leg.

It was Ciel.

He meowed

"What's wrong?", I asked him.

He then jumped onto the counter and tapped the plate with his Paw.

"I don't know who made it  Plus there might be poison or something in it.", I said to him.

He then took a bite of the egg.

He looked at me and meowed.

"Awww, Thank you for checking the food for me.", I said petting him on the head.

He meowed and I then jumped off the counter.

He then went back to the books.

I smiled at him.

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