"Giotto, Don't tell your afraid of Ghost?" G said.

" A long time Yes, but now seens where ghost are selfs Not." Giotto said.

Everybody laugh except for a certain someone who just smirk and continue his attack to a certain Melon.

"Can you tell your ghost friends to not hurt me, I did not do anything wrong." Enma said while scared.

"Yare, Yare. We won't do anything to you seens we are good ghost." Lampo said lazily.

"Good Ghost? Seens when did you became good?" G said.

Lampo just shrug it, G got completely annoyed. "Don't ignore me you lazy seaweed freak." G said. And both start fighting.

"You two stop fighting to the EXTREME!" Knuckle said as he try to calm the two.

"Oh, Don't worry. None of them will hurt you Enma-kun. But they are kinda Good and bad person." Tsuna said.
Enma sigh in relief as he let go of Tsuna.
"Bad and good person? Why Tsuna?" Aria ask calmly.
"Well they don't hurt other people but they hurt each other. G-nii always yelled to Lampo-nii being Lazy. Alaude-nii always mad on Deamon-nii because he looks like a melon. So they end up fighting each other." Tsuna said.
Gamma and Aria start to laugh, hearing Tsuna said.

At that time Giotto was disappointed on seeing his chaos guardians and send them a deathly smile. They all feel the tension that Giotto was sending so they start what ever they are doing. "How come my Guardians are stupid enough to fight infront of a 4 years old child???" Giotto think.

His guardians just gulp and stand back away from Giotto.

"Well I kinda agree that Deamon Spade looks like a Melon head and annoying." Gamma said with a smile.

Then Deamon look at Gamma who is beside him. " Nufufufu~What you say you Blonde Freak Bastard!?"

"Gamma-san, Mel- I mean Deamon-nii said 'Nufufufu~What you say you Blonde freak bastard.?'" Tsuna said.
Gamma was surprise and Aria was a little bit angry so thus Gamma.
"What did that Melon-head call me?" Gamma said with anger. "Tsk, if that Melon is alive I surely dispose a melon." Gamma said softly knowing Aria is releasing a deadly smile.

"Nufufufu~ Giotto can I kill that guy?" Deamon said in annoyance.
"Well is fun to dispose a melon." Alaude said.
"Hah!?" Deamon then gave a glare to Alaude which alauds gladly gave back.

"Tsuna, Is Primo here?" Aria question.
"Who is primo?" Tsuna ak.
"Your Giotto-nii?" Aria said.

"Yes he is, His beside me." Tsuna said.
"Jah... Primo. If your around pls control your guardians language. Tsuna might hear some bad language just like what Deamon Spade said." Aria said.

Giotto then realize something, from the moment he meet Tsuna, all they did was to teach Tsuna a very bad influence scene. For example if G and Lampo will fight G always says some not good words like


Sometimes sevenWTF.

Giotto then release a huge amount of bad aurora but still he was smilling. "Tell Aria Sorry." As he said to Tsuna.
"Us too Tsuna." G said while he knows that Giotto is mad.

"Aria-san, Giotto-nii said sorry. And also all of his guardians." Tsuna said.
"Mou... No wonder Tsuna talk so matured. He was surrounds by some Idiot Adult Ghost who don't mind there language." Aria said as he let out a sigh.

Giotto then was shock on what he heard. He and his guardian are really bad influence.

"Yare, Yare, Tsuna is talking matured because who surrounded by Idiot adults? Well Come to think of it a certain two who doesn't care about a 4 years old kid watching them fight and specially an pink octopus don't mind his language when talking." Lampo said.

"Teme... You talking to me!?" G said.
"Who else the pink Octopus?" Lampo said as G and him start fighting.

"So Tsuna what do you want to eat?" Aria ask again.

"Tsuna try some Strawberry cake." Giotto said.

"Strawberry Cake. Giotto-nii said its delicious." Tsuna said.
"Very well." Aria said.

As the all of the living people enjoy there self. The Ghost specially Giotto was determine to control his guardians attitude. Just like last time he would send them a deadly aurora and start beating his guardian one by one.

But before he could beat his guardians, they were already gone even Alaude. Alaude doesn't want to meet the Demon side of Giotto, a side where giotto is a True demon.

"Oh, no.... The Demon from hell is wake." All his guardians thought as they run away.

"Get back here you Stupid!!" Giotto said as he chase his Guardians. His going to teach them a lesson where they never forget.


Thanks for reading
Hope you like it. 😃😃😃

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