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  Tim woke us all up early. I checked my alarm clock, it read 5 am. We all get dressed and brought outside. We went out of the field and into this long building. There was a table with chairs. We all sat on one side of the table. Tim stood on the other. He stood tall and firm. Then he pressed a button on a side panel on his side of the table. Suddenly cuffs held our wrists against the arms of the chair.

  Tim looked like he was going to give a lecture. "Last night, I was tickled tortured by two campers. It is against the rules to tickle torture someone without their permission, especially to a councelor. From now on, we will this crime the 'pink belly'. Only councelors will be allowed to give pink bellies, but we won't do it to hurt you in anyway."

  "Okay, now that that is out of the way, why are we cuffed down?" I asked impatiently.

  "Someone has to to own up. Who gave me the pink belly. If the two don't own up this will happen," Tim said as he pressed a button. Then a serge of energy cackled through the chair. The energy surged in our bodies and tickled us. The chair kept on tickling us. The whole building was filled with laughter. Tim pressed the button again and the tickling stopped.

  "That was fun." Sebby said.

  "It won't be fun when it becomes torture. If the two don't confess..." Tim said as he turned a dial, then pressed the button. The tickling began again, except it was more intense. I felt as if there were ten hands on my side, with ten fingers from each hand wriggling from my side. I usually wasn't that ticklish on my side, but with ten hands tickling me, it was torture. I laughed as hard I did when Sebby tickled my feet while I was asleep. Finally, Tim pressed the button again. "That is what you will feel if the two people don't confess now." He said as he hovered his finger over the button. I couldn't take more torture, but I don't want to get in trouble. I decided not to own up, Sebby followed me.

  "Alright," Tim said as he pushed the button. This time, it was way worse. Twenty invisible hands were tickling my sides, I was laughing my gut off. Sebby, though, was having a hard time. His sides were more ticklish than mine. I could only imagine how it felt. It must have felt like forty hands tickling him mercilessly. After five minutes, Tim pushed the button. He let us go. "You think you're tough, well this will happen every day. What you just felt was only setting 5. Tomorrow will be 6, the day after 7, then 8, then 9, then 10. Last year, I allowed Danny to use setting 10 on me, I almost busted my gut. It's better to fess up now, and not let the others suffer with you. If you don't fess up, your punishment will stack up higher. When we find put it will be bad."


  Sebby nor I had gave in, which meant torture for everyone. Tim was right, it was more torturous then yesterday. With each day of torture that we survive, the harder it was to keep our secret. By the time we reached setting 9, there were 75 hands tickling my sides, stomach, hips, back, neck, and armpits. Imagining tomorrow's torture, I confessed. "IT WAS ME, ME, MEEEE, STAHAHAHAPPPPP."

  "I'm glad you told me, but who is your accompliss?" Tim questioned.

  "IT WAS AHAHAHAHAHLLLLSSSSOOOOO, MEEEEHHEHEHHH!" Sebby confessed. Tim pressed the button. The torture stopped.

  "You two meet here tomorrow at 6:30 am sharp!" Tim said firmly.

  Although, we confessed, I felt our torture was far from over.


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