|Thirty Three|

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3 hours later

We arrived back at the Mansion we were staying at like an hour ago. My mood has changed completely since Mal left the club after finding out.

We were in the living room messing around, well mostly them acting a fool and messing around while I stayed to myself and drunk some henny.

I stared at my call log after I called her like 50 plus times and left her several voicemails. I sighed and rubbed my face. I really fucked up. I had to find a way to make it up to her after I apologize.

I clicked her name again and it ringed a few times before going straight to voicemail.

"Hey its Mal, or Malasia or Dr. Seal" she giggled before continuing, I smiled a bit. "Sorry I couldnt reach you right now, but if its urgent leave a message. And Ill may or may not get back to you. Hehe bye" I shooked my head and chuckled.

I disconnected the call and sighed.

"Wassup fav cuzz" I heard Set come over and take a seat next to me.

"Wassup" I gave him a slight head nod.

He stared at me for a bit before speaking up, "She knows?" He asked.

"Hm? Yeah. Apparently Tarisha told her" I rolled my eyes.

"Damn, I knew Shawty was a snake since Day One" he mumbled

"Yup" I took another sip from my glass. "Shit ion know what Im finna do, damn" I semi yelled rubbing my face. "And I do love that girl, shit I fucked up"

"Bro you have to apologize first, and see what she says. But maybe give her space first. She'll come around, then you can try to win back trust." He said patting me on the back.

"Bet. I need to apologize now" I said getting up.

"Nigga, you drunk"

"Trust me, Im sober enough and I can handle a drink" I said.

"Ard but lemme drive you" he got up following me to the door.

I turned around and dapped him up. "Thanks bro"

My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I quickly took it out hoping that it was Mal calling me back, only to find out it was my mom.

"Mama! Wassup" I answered putting a smile on my face as I walked out the house, I rarely talk to her because Im always busy.

"Hey baby, How you doin? I cant wait to see you tomorrow, my baby turning 26 soon" I heard her say, reminding me the rest of the my family coming tomorrow as well.

"Im good, ma. What you been up to?" I sighed.

"Ill see you in da car" Set whispered before walking out.

"Is that Kiari?" She asked, and I nodded my head as if she can see me.

"Yeahh" I chuckled.

"Tell him mama said hey. But anyway, whose the lucky girl on your snap. She looks familiar, where could I know her from?" She asked as I smirked thinking about the snap.

"Yeah thats my special lady, her name's Malasia. Remember that Doctor from the Car accident day" I asked.

"Ohh her, yess. She was quiet but nice. Aw finally a smart girl."

"Yeah, she's a surgeon" I laughed a bit. I heard her gasp in shock.

"Im gonna meet her there right?" She asked as I sighed. "What's wrong, what you do now?" She asked.

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