Part 14(Kenzie's POV)

Start from the beginning

          "So, spill already! I am dying to hear about this," Lucy begged, her hands clasped together in pleading and her face in a pout.

          Laughing, I started the story. I told her how May had been so kind, like the mother I never had. I told her how Peter had chosen Harry Potter because he remembered how much I love it. I told her how he didn't seem to mind my fangirling, and how he seemed to be enjoying the night as much as I was.

          When I got to the part about him comforting me in my few minutes of depression, Lucy squealed so loudly that the whole class stopped talking in surprise, and some people asked her if she was okay. After she assured everyone that she was, she made me act it out with her, where I was Peter, and she was me.

          Lucy was bouncing up and down in her seat, absolutely over the moon for me. I was dying laughing, happy to have someone to share it with who truly cared.

          I finally told her how he had gotten a call from someone who I couldn't quite see the profile for, and how he hadn't come back. I told her how I had waited for him for an hour until I finally decided he wouldn't be back home for a while. I tried to say it nonchalantly, hoping that Lucy would understand how that made me feel without me having to say anything.

          Lucy stared at me, absolutely dumbfounded. "He picked up and left," she repeated.

          "Yeah," I said, laughing sadly.

          "What the actual heck does he think he's doing? I'm going to stand up and march to the back of the bus and give this kid a piece of my mind—" Lucy fumed.

          "No, no, no. It's okay. It was probably something really important," I tried to convince myself.

          "Yet he didn't have the decency to pick up the phone and call you in the two days  following your movie night?" she challenged. I couldn't argue with her there.

          Lucy shook her head, lips thin, her eyes dancing with fire. Her dark curly hair bounced around her shoulders, as if it too were itching to get up and go reprimand Peter.

          "I'm sure he will talk to me about it sometime soon. I feel like it's my fault somehow, like I did something to make him uncomfortable around me. I feel like I lost him, which is ridiculous, because he was never mine in the first place." I explained, letting loose the thoughts that had been trapped inside my brain for days.

          Lucy snorted in disbelief. "There is no possible way that this is your fault. You are perfect, any guy would be lucky to be in a situation that Peter was in that night. This is one hundred percent on Peter. You should talk to him sometime while we are up here, because if I do, I'm going to kill him for leaving my best friend without warning, no matter the reason." she grumbled, her fists clenched tightly.

          I nodded in agreement. I knew I would have to talk to him sometime, or I would go insane.

          The rest of the bus ride was spent talking with Lucy and stealing glances at Peter, who looked flustered, as if he had a lot on his mind. What had happened that night?

          The bus drove up a windy road through the mountains, which meant our campsite was somewhere near the top. We stepped off  the bus, and the class took a short half-mile hike up to the campsite. Looking around me, I was absolutely stunned.

          All surrounding us were miles of endless trees, patches cut out occasionally to make way for beautiful, clear lakes and ponds. The leaves of the trees were so vibrant, the greens so bright they almost looked neon when the sun hit them. When we got to our campgrounds at the top of the mountain, I was frozen in place, hardly able to take in the magnitude of what I was seeing.

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