Chapter 2 Lost. Confused. Deplete. Afraid.

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I could feel my body slowly regaining it's senses, it felt as if I was in slumber for days and there was an aching pain in my head.

I was asleep on something cold? And stiff...

A voice started to ring from the "thing" I was sleeping on. Hold on. What the fuck am I sleeping on? I tried to move but I was in unbearable pain . There were people in the room and I couldn't quite make out what they were talking about but I heard a deep, manly voice say "I'll call you when I need you."

And right there the other voice who seemed to be a woman fell into silence and stormed out of the room.

I tried to think what happened and why I was where I am right now, but that was hopeless because it made my head hurt even more. And the fucking voices didnt make it any better.

All I remember hearing is a big crash and then I seemed to black out. Tired and in pain, I tried to fall asleep only to the uncomfortable feeling as if someone was staring at me with hungry eyes. That was NOT a good feeling and my senses were telling me I had to flee, but how? I could barely open my eyes.

To my conclusion it seemed like I was sleeping on someone, and oh God I do NOT want to know who. The body shifted beneath me and walked out of the door, only to follow the voice of the lady who the guy was talking to.

I heard the click of the door and finally opened my eyes. The room was luxurious and dim. Looking around for a bathroom door which I easily spotted I thought of taking a shower. I didn't have the energy to realize the circumstances I was in until I took a hot shower and the pain in my head started to fade.

I started to gain consciousness.

I took a look in the mirror and realized something looked different about me, I was completely pale and I had lifeless glassy eyes, for a second I felt really hungry and the pain came back. I tried to calm myself and I thought I saw a glimpse of red color in my eyes instead of my brown usual shade.

Shutting them tight and looking back at the mirror my eyes were still the same chocolate brown as before. Thank goodness.

I took steps into the bedroom I was sleeping in, examining it closely. The room seemed to hate light or something because there were no windows, strange. It was a pretty big room with green bedsheets and dark wood floor, bed and drawers. The furnish looked fancy with all of its curves and fringes, yet at the same time it looked antique and from my perspective, I think it was pleading for light.

There was something laying on the floor that caught my eye. It was a piece of paper. Picking it up, it read: If you're awake take a shower, it will help you stay calm. Don't get out of the room or you get killed.

How late, I already took a shower.Wait what?

I reread the letter and was shocked with disbelief, who does this person think he/she is to kill me? To kill Victoria Ashten, over my dead body!

The nerves were starting to pile over in my head and I seemed to get back to being me.

WAIT. This is not a dream??? I pinched myself, hard. Ow. Huh, looks like it's not a dream.

"Haha Sophie, are you and your new friends pulling pranks on me?? I know you're there. Might as well answer now!" I laughed while looking around, expecting Sophie to pop up out of nowhere.

Seems like she furnished the room.

I tried adjusting my eyes to the darkness of the room, and then it hit me. Nowhere in the house do we have a no - window room and especially this big.

Where the hell was I?!?!

If that wasn't Sophie, what and who were the voices that were speaking before?

Looking around again I was sure Sophia would never pick such a dark shade of color for a room. I pinched myself again, just in case.

I was starting to hyperventilate. "Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale"


I reread the note. SHIT shit shit shit shit!







I needed to calm my hoofs.

Ok.Ok. Think. "Victoria, the first thing you do is figure out your circumstances" my father would say.

I am trapped in someones bedroom and worst of all, I keep getting a sickening pain in my head. Also, I have absolutely no clue of how I got here.

The panic started to take over and tears came streaming down my face. I ran to the door and only found it to be locked. I began knocking and slamming at the door and eventually, had no energy.

My tears were dried on my face and I had no room for panic in me anymore, my energy was on its lowest as I layed down on the bed.

Inhale. Exhale.


Kasper P.O.V

This unthankful bitch was really getting on my nerves.

All she fucking cares about is being my wife and

"You don't go around fucking in random bitches." Blah blah blah. Same goes to you, hoe.

She reads my mind and the look of anger is replaced with a look of disbelief.

"I can't believe it, all I ever wanted was for you to love me and this is how I am treated?!" She cries.

She couldn't be serious, she has the honor of becoming queen and yet she also wants to to be loved by me. I am Kasper Treson the almost to be king and leader of Vampires.

I don't know love and I never will.

I hear a knock at the door that thankfully interrupted her blabber. Today I am in no mood to pay attention to a wife that I was merely married to because of my fathers arrangement.

"Come in." I say half heartedly.

A servant appears at the door and says "Your majesty Kasper, the Lord has asked of you at dinner to speak of today's incident."

My "wife", Rosetta Thoreau, smirked.




Hey guys!!!

Please feel free to leave a comment and a vote!! THEY MEAN SOO MUCH TO ME, hope you enjoyed this chapter! !

Affliction (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora