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Dare: Levi surprise kiss Eren.

Dared by: Me, because nobody is giving me suggestions!! :(

Me: Yeah, so. That's it. Levi!

Levi: What?

Me: Get to work!

Levi: Bossy.

Me: What you just say?

Levi: Oh nothing..

*Le Timeskipz*

*Eren is in the cafeteria with Armin & Mikasa*

Levi: Hey, Eren..

Eren: *blushes* hi Levi!

Armin: Captain *nods*

Mikasa: Hello....Sir... *slightly annoyed*

Eren: You wanna sit with us?

Mikasa: (Nooooo!!)

Levi: Sure.

Eren: Come here then..

Levi: *sits on Eren lap* Comfy..

Eren: *blushes deep red* I uhh...Umm

Armin: .....

Mikasa: *twitches her left eye*

Levi: What? *snuggles into Eren's chest*

Eren: *gulp* um C-Captain?

Levi: What? Is there a problem?

Eren: No! Not at all!

Levi: Hmmm? Then maybe you are dissatisfied?

Eren: What, no I just-

Levi: *turns around and kisses Eren deeply*

Eren: -mmm Captain?..

Mikasa: GRR THATS IT! *stands up*

Armin: Mikasa no! *holds her back*

Levi: *continues to kiss Eren*

Eren: *joins in*

Levi: *uses tongue*

Eren: *Melts in the kiss*

Mikasa: Eren! Don't kiss him back!

Eren: *moans* Levi..

Levi: *blushes*

Mikasa: *blushes* grr...

Armin: *blushes light pink* wow.

Eren: What?

Levi: I didn't expect you to moan!

Eren: I moaned?

Everyone: *slowly nods, staring at Eren*

Eren: *blushes deep red* Um sorry Captain!

Levi: It's okay, your cute anyways!

Mikasa: Eren!!

Eren: What?

Mikasa: You can't fall him!

Levi: And why is that?..

Mikasa: 1. Your a guy! 2. You don't kiss him, you make out!

Levi: So?

Mikasa: I'm not done yet!

Eren: Oh god..

Mikasa: 3. I love you more!

Eren: Hold up, what?

Levi: Ewwww. That's insest!


Levi: So? It's still insest!

Mikasa: How that insest?

Eren: I don't know, but..

Mikasa: But...?

Eren: But, I love you too.

Mikasa: Ha take that shorty!

Levi: SHUT UP! He's not finished, yet!

Mikasa: Huh...

Eren: Mikasa I love you too, as a sister!


Me: So you love Levi?

Eren: I never said that..

Me: So, you don't love Levi?. *confused*

Eren: *smirks* I never said that either..

Levi: *blushes*

Eren: *walks away*

Me: Um..Levi?

Levi: God he's so fucking hot!

Me: Yes. OTP is coming true!

Levi: Zimoku?

Me: Yeah?

Levi: If this becomes yaoi, between seme and uke. I want to be seme!

Me: Why?

Levi: I can make him scream my name!


Levi: Gotta go!

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