Cooking is my life! ~6

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Cooking is my life!

Chapter 6:

I woke up and rested my head. I thought about Danny. Well I call him Danny now since he is my crush! Well were not in a relationship so it isn't right, but I can't hold it in!!!!

I lifted myself from bed and headed to the bathroom dancing on the ball of my feet! "What got you in such a good mood?" I smile at Mary. "Oh nothing." I laughed and closed the bathroom door.

I did everything quick and fast!  

shower (check)  

clothes (check)  

food (check)

I was planning to head out the door when I was stopped by Mary. "Well not to bother you but today is Saturday no school today." I froze man I'm stupid! "Yeh I knew that, but I was testing you to see if you knew!" I laughed uncontrolable.

Damn how did I not know! Well of course Mary didn't wake me! Wait she never wakes me! What the french noddles!? I threw down my backpack and I relaxed on my desk chair. Until my phone went off! I got all my hopes high until I saw caller id.

"Hi Kev." I said monotone. Okay here is the deal. Me and him were really good friends until 5th grade when he had that accident. Well he blame it on me and turned into a hot, donkey jock, and when I mean donkey I mean the other word. Hey this for fun not for crude. "Hey babe don't sound like that you know you want me." I laughed sarcastically. "In your dreams when you figure what those are!" I rolled my eyes. "Well whatever I'm not here to fight just to invite." I rose an eyebrow. "What you mean?" "Well my birthday is coming up so we want to celebrate it today." "Well who is 'we'?" He laughed. "The whole school of course!" He shouted. "I don't know..." I told him this party was a bad idea since it has the whole writen on it, but Danny will be there! I blushed. "Come on don't be like..." I cut him off. "Alright I'll go!" I shouted and hung up and started cheering!

Kevin POV:

That was strange, but at least she is coming and I can make my speech. Okay here is the bids. I love no like Emma Homes since pre-school and I think she likes me too. Well that what they said in those girl magzines that if a girl teases you then she likes you. Hey what the big deal of a guy reading girl magzines. IT not bad when you have a really girly sister! I walked to my room and sat on my bed hoping this night will be great...

Emma POV:

I decided not to stay at home. Well at least buy a birthday present for Kev. I mean its the least I can do. I drove my car to the nearest mall and go to G.A.P haha the only guy store and people don't be shocked, but I do buy stuff at commener stores. Big hip ti do! And yes that another secret I have. I like living as a normal girl!

I walked in and started looking at the clothes and ended up bumping into some one! I'm so clumsy! God! "Sorry..." I stared into those gray eyes and admittedly knew it was Danny! "Danny!!....I mean Dan!" I smiled and picked up the clothes I dropped. "Hey Em so what are you doing here did I get your gender wrong?" I punched his arm. "No I'm buying Kev a present." I said looking though plaid shirts. "Really why?" I looked at him all confused. "What do you mean its Kev birthday party tonight? Right?" I asked him. "I don't know maybe I didn't get the memo until now. You going?" He asked looking at his watch. "No duhr!" I told him in a hill billy accent. He laughed. "Want a ride?" I asked him. "I'm not sure I'll text you if I want one. I'm here with a friend...." His voice trailed off and he stared into space. "Hey captain armstrong come back to us we need you!" I snapped my finger in his face. "Oh sorry Em." He said and shrug his shoulders. "What are you talking about text?" He shrug and went to the counter to pay. He is acting kinda weird...

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