The Mission

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Chapter 14

I zipped up my suit and glanced up at the mirror. This black suit was much more comfortable than my last one. I grabbed my red lipstick and applied some on. I stared at my reflection and frowned. I don't deserve to be happy, I'm a monster. I pleasure myself in killing ruthlessly and have no mercy. Yes, Hansel deserves someone better. I looked down at my lefthand and looked at the sparkling diamonds of my ring.

I slid the ring off. Hanasel deserves someone better. I set my ring down on the dresser and looked at the time. 11:00 p.m. I clipped on my weaponry belt and walked to my door. I strolled down the halls, my heels clanking on the floor. I reached the elavtor and pressed the button for the 1st Floor.

The doors dinged open and I walked to the Training and Weaponry Room. I burst the doors open and immediately all eyes were on me. Today we were only taking 75 members because we couldn't leave the SSS without any protection. All 75 members were standing with their arms behind their back, feet apart, and head bowed down in respect.

"Rise," I commanded and 75 pairs of eyes looked up at me. I began pacing.

"We will divide ourselves into two groups. Group One will be lead by Jackson and Benjamin. Group Two will be lead by Hansel and I. You all should have received the list indicating which group you are in. Is there anyone here who does not know which group they belong to?" I asked. The room remained silent.

Suddenly the doors burst open and Hansel, Benjamin, and Jackson walked in. Talk about being late, I mentally scoffed.

"Alright then, let's begin," Jackson said.

"Fifteen men per car, we want to take as less cars as possible so as to not raise any suspicions," Hansel spoke.

"I have programmed the cars so that we land in five different locations. We are all to meet in the Grandview Mountains by midnight. I have set the GPS in your team leader's devices set to direct you where exactly we meet," Benjamin explained.

"The location directions will be sent to you as soon as you reach Earth," a female voice said. I turned around to face the owner of that voice. Miranda. Does she literally have to be everywhere where Hansel is?

"What are you doing here, Agent Mungillo?" I growled out and stormed to her. Hansel stood in front her and glared at me.

"I asked her to assist us in the mission. We could use her to guide us through," Hansel explained for her. I clenched my jaw and turned to face Miranda.

"Mess up and you will have to deal with me. And not even your gorilla here will be able to stop me," I threatened her. She stared at me blankly in the eye and smirked.

"I won't."

"Let's hope not." I growled out and faced my army.

"Her name is Ashley Newton, she's a witch held hostage. Our mission is to rescue her and bring her back to the SSS Headquarters unharmed. You find her, you protect her, and notify us quickly through the microphone," Jackson informed my army, pointing to the chocolate-chip sized microphone in the inside of his battle jacket and the ear piece in is ear. I looked to my army and saw that they all had their microphone and ear pieces on.

"Any questions?" I called out to them. Nobody said anything. I nodded to Jackson.

"Alright let's get going!" Jackson's voice echoed throughout the hall and all my men walked to their assigned cars. I walked to Jackson.

"You ready?" I asked him.

"Yep," he nodded and tightened his jacket. I saw from the corner of my eye Miranda approach Hansel as he was about to enter one of the black trucks.

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