(2) But before I go--

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I forgot to show this really crappy drawing of Hanzo from Overwatch I did a few months ago

I forgot to show this really crappy drawing of Hanzo from Overwatch I did a few months ago

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*when you try to do semi realism but it's like a clash between dry ice and skin*

Yeah it's....it's something. I don't know what, but it's something. The proportions make my heart ache. I know I'm not the GREATEST OF ALL TIME with proportions but I don't know of I was half asleep or drunk off of pineapple apple smoothies but it's just there now. Was too lazy to do his tattoo cuz....just cuz, don't question.

Now I'm really (not really) gonna go to bed (aka draw some more shiz)

Logging Off... ✌

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