Gone...for now

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Sorry guys, Wattpad deleted the chapter that explained what happened after World War Three Pt 3, so I'm re-uploading it in the right order now :3


I woke up to find Gaara sleeping next to me, one arm wrapped around me and his sand was stuck onto my leg. I blinked sleepily and growled.

"Shukaku. Let go." I said, and the sand moved away. I gently moved Gaara's arm, and got out of bed. I stretched, and sniffed Lucifer out to the kitchen, where I found pancakes. Oh, he was there too. More importantly, pancakes...

"Master, keep your eyes open if you're having breakfast." he said, and I sighed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, though waving his words away casually. He rolled his eyes and sat me down, giving me a mug of hot chocolate. I accepted it gratefully, taking a sip. Oh dear god, the happiness.

I stood and went over to the table; I was awake enough to eat now. I shovelled them into my mouth happily, earning a disapproving look and a flick to the forehead from Lucifer.

"Manners." he reminded, and I stopped scarfing everything down and chewed slowly. He nodded and turned to the sink, only to wave his hand slightly, making his dark mist-like fog stuff appear and the kitchen was clean. Dayummm, I gotta learn that.

I gave him a grin as I finished my breakfast, then went back to the bedroom to see if Gaara was awake. He had just gotten up, judging from his half lidded eyes and messy hair. I giggled, attracting his attention.

"Shower's in there. Lucifer's made pancakes if you want." I offered. He gave me that little smile of his and nodded slightly, standing and coming over to give me a hug. I smiled into his shirt, and I could tell he was wearing his amused smirk.

"What are you so happy about?" he asked.

"How'd you know I was happy?" I asked. He gave me a 'seriously' look.

"You're always happy. I used to be worried about you sometimes, actually." he said, and I nudged him playfully. He chuckled.

"I just know." he answered me seriously. I nodded, accepting the answer. It was as good as any other, after all.

"Soo...breakfast?" I asked, and he nodded. I led him to the kitchen, where Lucifer gave him a quick and careless salute. I sat him down at the table and put his plate infront of him. He gave me that look he always gave me when I spoil him too much.

"I could get used to this." he remarked, and I laughed.

"Don't. I'll probably be in Lukedonia for a while, and you'll be in Suna. I wouldn't want you to miss the awesomeness...not too much, anyway." I said, adding the last part in as he rose an eyebrow.

I went for a shower while he ate. When I came out, he had his while I turned on the TV. I checked pretty much all of the channels, and stopped at PBC kids. What? It was Caillou, people! By the way, have I mentioned that in the Narutoverse, they have shows like Caillou and Sesame Street? Holy shizz! I had no idea before Sasuke and I walked in on Naruto watching TV, with Elmo on the screen.  We haven't let him forget it since then =D

Gaara came back and laughed as he saw me swaying on the floor to the song. I shushed him as he came over and sat behind me, on the couch.

"Caiilou, Caillou. Caillou, I'm Caillou, that's me!" I sang along. I couldn't help it. I had to.

After watching Gilbert (Caillou's pet cat) get lost, and Caillou and his sister did a magic show, I heard the sound of the TARDIS outside. I peeked out the window, and sure enough, the Doctor was there. I rose an eyebrow as he looked around him cautiously, then walked in casually. Way to go, Doctor. Inconspicuous as always. I heard his boots coming up the stairs, and the key in the doorknob. I turned to the door with my arms crossed as he came in.

"Hey." I said, giving him the usual 'what is WRONG with you' look. He simply stuck his tongue out at me and then turne serious, as if he had been practicing what to say to me.

"Kuroi, I have something I want to tell you." he started, and Gaara stiffened slightly.

"Pfft." Oops. I took a deep breath and let it out.

"Kay. Panda-chan, go...do something. I doubt the Doctor's gonna suddenly confess to me." I teased, and he growled lightly before leaving.

"Right. Ahm...Kuroi, I might...be...sort of...leaving." he said, and I blinked.

"Ohkayyy...dude, are you asking for permission or what? You're a grown man..er...Time Lord...person. I think you don't hafta tell me if you're going somewhere." I said, raising an eyebrow. He looked slightly surprised.

"You...don't mind?" he asked. I, by now, was conshuffled as a mofo.

"...Should I mind?" I asked, and he shook his head.

 "No, I was just making sure to tell you, in case you needed me for something." he said, and I nodded, understanding.

"Ah, I see. Well, it's fine. I've got some stuff to take care of down in Lukedonia anyway." I said, and he 'oh'ed, then gave me a curious look.

"Demons have been surfacing without permission from the Lord or Noblesse. Not even the Clan Leaders knew, until news reached them that large amounts of demons were being killed on the surface by shinigami." I said.

"Grim reapers." I clarified, seeing his confuzzled look.

"So why can't the Clan Leaders take care of it?" he asked. I growled.

"'Cause they're asses who dun wanna do anything." I muttered, and he laughed.

"When are you leaving?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Probably at the same time as you." I replied, and he nodded.

"Are you gonna tell the Clan Leaders that you're going?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm gonna hold a meeting today or tomorrow. Probably some time tonight, and we'll talk about it." I said, planning in my mind.

"Oh, okay then. So, I'll se you around?" he asked. I grinned, nodding.

"Yeah. See ya, Doctor." I replied, and gave him a hug. He hesitated before returning it, and then left with the goofy grin he always wore.

I sighed as Gaara came back out.

"Busy?" he asked, and I nodded.

"Ugh. Clan Leaders are soo dead." I replied, and he chuckled. I then turned to face him.

"Soo, whatcha wanna do?" I asked, and he smiled slightly.

"Let's go to Lukedonia. I want to see Kuroi in action." he said, nuzzling my hair, and I turned a neon red.

"Tch. Because that doesn't sound weird at all."


 So, that explained it to ya? I hope so. Sorry though, the chapters got all mixed up 'cuz Wattpad's a potato wearing unicorn hair.





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