Chapter 11

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Calico's P.O.V

I growled and ran out side, the other pack members hot on my heels.
to myself

I took a deep breath and focused on the faint trace of mint and chocolate.

Soon enough I was shifting into my panther and was running as I could towards the west of our territory.

I stopped dead in my tracks,falling to the ground. What the hell were they doing to my mate!

I took a deep breath trying to push the pain away when another shock went through me.

I yowled out in angry. We continued to run intill we came into a small clearing.

There stood a bloody brown wolf and about fifty other wolves. I don't think this was just a small rouge problem!

I growled and ran towards my mate, stepping protectively in front of him.

Whoever hurt him is gonna damn well pay. The wolves parted into two groups and a panther stalked towards me.

We came face to face and I nodded my head. He grinned and nodded as well.

We both shifted back and I stared him down.

"What the hell are you doing here,Damien"

He smirked and grabbed my wrist tightly causing me to wince.

"What's this? A scar!"

He said looking at my slashed wrists. I flinched but growled

"I wonder who gave them to you? The silly mutt? Come back to your real pack, My Luna"

I ripped my hand from him and growled

"I'm not your Luna nor am I your anything. I stand by the pack cares not the pack that enslaves"

He sneered and growled at Jasper

"Come on mutt! You gonna let "your kitten" do the talking or are you gonna step as an Alpha"

I smirked and waved my finger at him

"Na na naaa! This is between you,me,and the Blood Lust Pack"

Every pack member from my pack except Jasper stepped back at the name.

Blood Lust Pack, the pack of rouges and the place where anything can happen and not in a good way.

"I gave you a chance and this is how you betray me? Us? We had something Calico and you know that!"

I hissed and said before shifting

"I know one thing: that this fight ends now and with The Alpha and The Luna side by side"

I shifted into my panther and both me and Jasper lunged at Damien.

Someone grabbed my tail with their teeth and dragged me away from Jasper.

I heard paws on the ground and the rest of the pack came into view.

I continued to fight the Blood Lust Pack and when a cry stopped everyone in their tracks.

I didn't realize the cry came from me but it was to late. A female wolf sunk her teeth into Jasper's neck.

He howled out in pain and I howled back. I pushed through the wolves in front of me and ran over to my still mate.

I pressed my nose to his face and his eyes snapped open. He pushed me off and shifted into his wolf.

He barred his fangs at me growling. I didn't care if I looked weak whimpering, I'll I cared about was my beautiful mate growling at me.

I stepped forward in a caring manner but he stepped forward in a threatening manner.

I whimpered again and Damien commanded them all to shift.

Jasper did as told and shifted back turning to follow them.

I yowled at him and started yipping at him.....he didn't even flinch.

The last thing I saw was him wrapping an arm around that girl's waist and her kissing the little mark on his neck.


"Wake up!"

617 Words

(Mark above)

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