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"What is our next destination captain?" Lotor asked, standing beside him on the bridge. 

"The asteroid belt of Nothiden," he replied shortly. 

Lotor glanced at him suspiciously. The crew had been acting differently ever since Zethrid had entered the ship. None of them had been directly confrontational, but he was meeting more resistance on his orders now. Perhaps they just needed more time to adjust to her. 

"Will I be training in my fighter once we arrive?" he asked, deciding not to push the issue. 

The captain nodded curtly. 

Lotor looked thoughtfully over the bridge as the captain moved away, giving orders to one of the pilots. This was not a large crew. His captain, a few pilots and mechanics, a dozen sentries, and a scattering of combat officers. If their lackluster performance continued...

"I think I have an idea captain," Lotor announced. 

The Galra looked up, annoyance and curiosity fighting for dominance in his expression. 

"Once we reach Nothiden I would like to pilot a standard Galra fighter, not my usual ship."

"But... Haggar has given orders that-"

"If I am to become the best pilot I can be then I must learn to fly in more ships than one. And don't worry about the witch. I'm not asking to fly this cruiser am I? If anything a  Galra fighter is less powerful than my usual ship. There is no harm in this."

Still looking confused, the captain nodded. 

Lotor left the bridge, head swarming with new ideas. 


"Are you sure this is safe?" Zethrid asked nervously, eyeing the small Galra fighter. "It might be better if you try it out alone... for your first time." 

"Zethrid are you scared of flying?" Lotor teased, locking his helmet in place. 

"No!" she insisted, squaring her shoulders. 

"Then come on. I'll show you how to work the guns on this. If your shooting is anything like it is in training, then you'll be a natural."

He climbed aboard the angular ship, settling into the cockpit. After a long moment, he heard Zethrid climbing into the back gunner position. The top of the ship sealed over them. For a moment everything was dark. Then red lights flashed to life, illuminating the pilot controls and targeting equipment. 

"Alright, let's see what we've got here," Lotor murmured, looking over the controls. It was a similar setup to his usual fighter. However there was less visibility and the handles felt large and awkward in his hands. It should all start clicking once he was out and flying though. 

"Ready Zethrid?"

"Um... I changed my mind. I want to get out!"

"Too late!" he laughed, gunning the ship's thrusters into action. The fighter rocketed out of the hangar. He jerked the left handle and they spun sideways. An excited giddy rush filled Lotor as they sling-shotted around his cruiser. This fighter could move!

"I want to go back!" Zethrid cried from behind him. 

"We're just getting started! Here, get ready to fire. We're going into the asteroids."

He gunned toward the field of floating space debris. 

"Open fire whenever you want. Get a feel for the controls."

He swooped beneath a large chunk of rock, barely getting out of the way before another smashed into it. Shrapnel from the collision hissed across the metal skin of the ship. A swarm of fist sized rocks hung around them now. 

"Perfect testing grounds. Fire at them Zethrid!"

No response. 

"Zethrid?" Lotor asked, slowing the fighter to a crawl. "Are you having trouble with the controls?"

Still nothing. Lotor killed the engines a moment later, worry starting to creep through him. In the now silent craft, he could hear Zethrid breathing heavily. 

"Let me out let me out let me out let me out," she whispered. Lotor craned around in his seat to see her. She was curled over in her seat, hands pressed to her forehead, rocking slightly. 

"Are... Are you-"

"LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW!" she howled, claws digging into her skin. 

Panicked at her response, Lotor headed straight for the hangar. Guilt began to build in his stomach as they approached. He hadn't considered Zethrid's fear to be genuine.  Everyone was a little nervous their first time flying. 

But as he listened to her shallow panicked breaths, he knew this was something more. 

Zethrid stumbled out of the ship the moment the top opened. Lotor hopped down beside her as she leaned against the hangar wall, visibly trembling. 

"Are you alright? Do you need to go to the medic? I'm sure they-"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE," she exploded, storming from the hangar. Lotor stood alone in the room, suddenly very small and alone. 

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