Rucas - Long Distance (2)

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"Well," Josh began taking something out of his pocket, "I want to marry Maya."

He tossed me the velvet box, in it was a simple yet elegant ring. I would love to tell you the cut of it or size or anything to help you get a ring so beautiful but I knew nothing about rings except they are made of some metal and are put on your fingers. 

"Well you have my blessing if that's what you're asking," I looked up from the ring to find a nervous Josh. "The ring looks expensive, I'm sure Maya will love it. Either way she's been in love with you since I don't know how long, even when she dated me. So I'm sure a 'yes' is guaranteed."

"I know but-"

"No but, just plan out a way to ask and yeah, done!"

"I was thinking I take her to an art gallery of her favourite modern artist that is doing a show tomorrow actually."

"Take a moment from a modern day artist and give it to your trouble loving girlfriend. What could go wrong?"

"You're right, that's a great idea!"

"Did you gets Shawn approval for this-"

"Lucas I am so sorry-" Maya came bursting into the room 

I ended up shoving the engagement ring under my pillow before asking Maya why she was sorry. 

"You know how you told me you told Riles about the vet job and I don't want to leave New York but in reality you didn't tell Riley because I may or may not have mentioned it to her while we were talking while I was catching her up on stuff and now she may or may not have hung up on me and you know be mad at you because you were keeping something so big from her but you can't really blame her because you are keeping a big secret and you should have known that it would come out eventually and I'm sorry that I told her but really you should be apologizing not only to me but to Riley because you told me that you told Riley but really you never told Riles so yeah and what did you throw under your pillow?"

"His underwear!" Josh exclaimed. 

I simply nodded as I rushed out of my room to get my laptop to call Riley again. 

She wouldn't answer but no surprise there. Suddenly the door opened and in walked in Farkle with his laptop in hand. 

"I need you to skype Riley!" I begged. 

"She figured out?"

I nodded.

"She mad at you now?"

I nodded again dropping my head. 

"Where's Maya and Josh?"

"My room." 

He sat his laptop and bag of chips on the coffee table taking a box of pizza heading to my room ever so slowly. 

I wasted no time. I quickly skyped Riley and she answered. Tears stained her cheeks as her soft brown eyes continued to water. She wasn't looking at the screen, she looked as if she was trying to figure something out, maybe why I had hurt her. 

"Farkle, thank God! I really need a friend right now. I  ju-" She began quivering. 

"You screwed up Lucas." Farkle said before exiting the room. 

"Are you-" and her eyes dropped finding my eyes instead of Farkle's. She was searching for something in my eyes, like how I was searching for forgiveness, hope, pain, and confusion in her eyes. What was she looking for? Regret? Pain? Realization? I didn't know but all I could pray for in that moment was that she wouldn't end the call or take her eyes off me. There was something comforting about her. 

Unfortunately she took her eyes off me as Farkle reentered the room explaining how Josh and Maya were now making out in my room and how they also took the pizza but he was able to get three slices. Riley was paying attention to Farkle, hoping maybe that he would take the laptop from me and talk to her. She wanted to say something to him, I knew it. Maybe a call for help. 

I continued to study her and her surroundings. Her clean desk was filled with tissues and I could see her album of goals and dreams open and a ripped page. Yes her album of goals and dreams. Something she made before she left. Maya didn't know about the page about her, Farkle didn't know either. She had shared it with me the night before she left. She had put so much effort in and there on that ripped out paged I knew must had been the promise I wrote about moving to her. Moving to London, schooling there, starting a family with her there, marrying her, everything. Ripped in the background was that promise. 

"Princess," I whispered ever so lightly with regret wrapped around the word. "I am so sorry."

Her glassy eyes turned to me, "why?" She replied in the same whisper but laced with betrayal. 

"I didn't want to hurt you, and I still don't"

"But I'm hurt, and you're hurting. Look at what happened love." 

Our voices were still whispers. I couldn't meet her eyes. A tear ran down my cheek as I glanced up at her. Taking a shaky breath I tried to explain, "I was just didn't want what we planned anymore and I'm sorry but I grew up. I still love you and I always will. I still want to be with you, share a family with you. Grow old with you. No matter how much I age, physically, emotionally, mentally, whatever I will still wish for that. To see you walk down the aisle and meet you at the alter. I Love you. I'm just tired of making all the attempts to get to you. When you've had a hard week I've dropped all I was doing, running things for student body to working with my team as one to fly to London to make sure you are okay. I have done that time after time. All the money I have ever earned has went towards plane tickets to you. The only time you've come back to New York was Maya's 17th birthday, one winter break, and two summer breaks. Every other time I had to hop on a plane and fly for hours waiting to see your face. I made a name for myself here. A plan that makes me happy. I know that if you suddenly had this change of heart I would grow to understand and support you because all I want, all I ever wanted was for you to always be happy. I have a future planned out for myself here, one I am comfortable with. One with my family near by. One with my best friends near by. One where I know that people who supported me through those hard moments of mine, like when I suddenly lost my girlfriend in weeks to a new country, will be repaid the favour. One where I can support those who supported me during those stressful times of baseball and student council juggling. One where my current job, where I feel over joyed about will not be just some random experience I will let go of, but one where I will actually grow from. I love you, but I am happy here! I want to stay here. I want to see you back where you were your smile shined the brightest. Back where you would involve yourself with all of us and we would smile because we knew you did this out of love. One where we were both happy! I know New York is your true home because all your best memories are here. I notice how your eyes don't sparkle the same way anymore, but when you are back in New York suddenly your eyes begin to shine like the North Star." 

Her eyes continue to look at me as I whispered one request, "maybe you should move back home." 

At that the call ended. She ended it. 

I sat there on the sofa not realizing the crowd of concern from my friends as they circled me. 

Whatever they said I couldn't hear. All I could hear was the the repetitive beep from the laptop as Farkle tried to get Riley back on. 

My head dropped into my hands and arms wrapped around me. Tears began to stream down my face as I realized I may have just lost the love of my life, that I may have just ruined things between Riley and I. 

All I knew was that it was done. I had made up my mind, I was going to stay in New York no matter what. I smiled the brightest here, but at this moment, I cried the hardest I ever had in a really long time. 

It felt like this time, I really did lose Riley. 



People Change People ~ Girl Meets World 

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