Expologue 1: The Beginning of the End: Part 1

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After requesting an audience with the King, the Siblings of Saironellotoron II were told they would have to wait one hour to exact their revenge. When that hour had come to pass, Bortoron, Belegondo, Estelnar, Estelellomenel, Arinndil, Nimloth II, Vistanasehí, and Hinaevailluvitar all marched into the throne room, fully dressed in their apparel for what was to come.

Bortoron drew his sword, its blade catching the light through the window across its silvery titanium surface. "In the name of the Line of Estelondo, heirs of the King Saironellotoron II of Meneltarma, and Lady Morelanor of Elorean, you are under arrest for the nonconsensual violation of his daughter, Faramaureä. Surrender!"

The False King sat on his throne and smiled. "That name bears no power here, Bortoron the Conjurer, so watch your tongue. What you speak is treason, and treason must be punished." He gestured, and the guards to each side of his throne lowered their glaives.

Estelnar openly laughed. "There are two of them, and eight of us. What do you hope to accomplish?"

Gygax grinned and pointed behind them. "I think your arithmetic is slightly off, Arinndil." Positioned above them on a balcony were ten guards, all armed with swords and crossbows, which were trained on the family. At that exact moment, twelve more guards marched through the doors, the last two of which held a gagged pregnant woman.

"Evinyantandil!" Hinaevailluvitar exclaimed, stepping toward her, but Bortoron held her back, knowing how bad of a spot they were in.

Gygax continued, "It seems to me, like your odds are now 24 to 9. Perhaps you should consider your next words very carefully, Bortoron."

Bortoron turned back toward his family, his sword limp in his hand, and his shoulders slumped forward in a dejected position, but his eyes told another story, one of defiance, and courage. "To death, and Mandos, Toronarorónënya." With a nod, he whipped around and dove at the two guards holding Evinyantandil.

Within the blink of an eye, the siblings moved into action, each seeking out their own targets.

Estelnar The Evoker, turned towards two of the twenty-four, and, drawing his sword, cast "narmacil!" The fire spread up his hands, onto the platinum blade of his sword, as the fire sword spell took effect.

Estelellomenel drew his sword, and dove toward the throne, but was stopped from reaching Gygax by the two guards who stood near him.

Nimloth II turned toward the balcony and cast "ealombe!" rendering them all blind. They wildly released their crossbows, striking two guards, killing one, and deflecting off of the armour of the other. However, one of the crossbow bolts struck her in the right hip, piercing fabric and flesh. As the dart hit, she shrieked, and then cast "vanta!" She turned invisible, the bolt hitting the ground, and was gone from sight.

Arinndil turned toward three guards, each of whom had a longsword out. He began to duel them all, his potassium rapier moving much faster than their steel longswords. He quickly cast an illusion that there were five of him duelling the guards, but that was quickly discovered.

Hinaevailluvitar began by casting a prestidigitation spell of a sparking ball of light in the centre of the room, which blinded the guards, causing them to rear back in surprise. She then cast a divination spell, to see if she could determine Gygax's plan, but her concentration was broken as 26 more guards entered the room, and she had to draw her quarterstaff to defend herself.

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