Just admit it, you love him

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Raven's POV 💜
I hastily flew into my room, then gently leaned up against my now locked door and closed my eyes.

It aggravates me how Beast Boy can take such a toll on my emotions without even breaking a sweat, whereas I have to meditate for hours just to keep them under control.

With that thought I opened my eyes and dashed over to my bedside table.

I pulled out my hand mirror.
A faint memory of the time Beast Boy and Cyborg had snuck into my room played through my mind.

Stop thinking about him!

I gazed into my reflection and closed my eyes as I felt myself being slowly pulled in.

When I opened them again, I was standing in a forest like area with yellow skies, pink clouds and floating strawberries.

Just great. Out of all places to be sucked into, I land in Happy's domain.

I felt a soft tap on my shoulder and turned around to find the emoticlone that wore a hot pink cloak and boots, along with a peppy grin.

"Oh my gosh, hi Raven! It's so good to see you!"

I watched her twirl around in the air.
She landed gracefully on her feet and continued. "I know why you're here..." She said, pointing at me and ending with a giggle.

When she didn't get a response from me, she just giggled again.
"Oh come on Raven, don't be such a grumpy mumpy pants." A small frown formed on her face, but it was only short lived as her usual wide smile instantly returned. "Follow me!"

She spun away from me and skipped along a bright yellow path while humming a delightful tune.

Some might doubt I ever even feel happy, but I do, unfortunately...
She stopped at the end of the trail. There stood a pink doorframe.

She extended her hand and a black beam went through the frame releasing a gush of wind sending black rose petals all around us.

Happy briefly clapped for herself then proceeded to lead the way.

Inside we found a black and purple checkered picnic blanket laying on the grass.

Sitting on the blanket chatting were two other emoticlones.

Passion with her deep purple cloak, and Knowledge adorned with her bright yellow cloak and gray round rimmed glasses.

They both rose when they noticed our presence.

"Salutations, Raven." Knowledge greeted with a friendly head nod.

Passion blew a kiss at me, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Would you like to join us for brunch?"

I threw my arms up in frustration.
"I don't have time for brunch!"

"No need to be in such a hurry, we can discuss whatever is on your mind shortly."

"Besides, I made muffins!" Passion exclaimed, motioning over to a picnic basket she had pulled out from behind her.

I sighed in defeat and walked over to them, Happy trailing along behind me.

Once we were seated, Knowledge handed each of us a muffin and took one for herself.

"So Raven, what brings you to Nevermore?" She asked and took a small bite.

"You. All of you are the reason I'm here. Specifically you two." I pointed accusingly at the purple and pink emoticlones.

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