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He was with Nate when he heard about Hayley’s accident.

“I’m sorry, mate.” Nate said softly and patted Lewis on the shoulder. Lewis whole body felt like it had been paralysed. He couldn’t move, so he sat stationary. Lewis didn’t believe it.

“It, it can’t be true.” Lewis stumbled over his words. Hot tears welled up in his eyes. Lewis reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a small, rectangular box lined with velvet and suede. He flipped open the lid and looked down at the small, delicate heart on the chain.

“You should put something in it,” Nate pointed out,

“Maybe a picture or something.”  That’s what he would do; he would put a picture in it and visit her in the hospital. He picked up the heart and turned it over. Forever and always. The perfectly engraved letters seemed to glow. What if I lose her? What if…

He met Mr and Mrs Bennett in the hospital ward. Mr Bennett explained what the doctor had said to him.

“…he said that the operation was successful, no bones broken, just bad bruising but he is not sure when she will wake from the coma.” Lewis took a deep breath and opened the door; Mrs Bennett was sitting with Hayley, crying softly to herself.

“Hi, Mrs Bennett.” Lewis said sympathetically. Mrs Bennett sniffed and let go of her tight grip on Hayley’s hand. She smiled weakly at him, her eyes puffy and red from the tears. Lewis lifted Hayley’s hand gently and held it in his own, kissing her gently on her knuckles.

“Hey you,” he kept his voice low, “I'm so sorry I didn't visit you sooner. It’s just that, well I was in shock; I couldn't bear seeing you well, like this. Your parents told me that the doctors don't know if you are going to come out of the coma...” He kept silent, his hand slipped out of hers. Lewis quickly wiped away a tear that rolled down his cheek. “I, I'm so sorry.” His voice caught in his throat, he cleared it. “I need to give you something. I didn't have the chance to give it to you two weeks ago.” He pulled the necklace from the box and placed it on her neck. His hands clasped around the back of her neck. He kissed her forehead and took her hand again. “It’s a necklace, it's silver and has a heart-shaped locket on the end, I put a picture of us in it, I'm sure you will love it. It even has a secret message engraved.”

“Mmmh...” She mumbled.

“Did you just try and speak? Say something.” He was desperate.

“Thhh ou.” She murmured again.

“Oh my, Doctor? Can we get a doctor in here? She's speaking!! Please, anyone?!” He shouted. There was an overwhelming buzz of excitement and disbelief.

“Is it true?” Hayley’s mother yelled as she marched swiftly into the room.

“Mm… Mom?” Hayley did it, she had spoken. She cautiously and slowly opened her eyes. There was a loud gasp.

“My baby, you're okay!” Mrs Bennett said in such relief.

A week later Hayley got discharged from hospital after numerous tests to check if she was okay to go home. When she arrived home she was greeted by Lewis and red roses surrounding her. He had pre-ordered them and had left them in the front hall. She smiled weakly as he ran up to her and scooped her into his arms. She held onto him tightly, He was so glad to have her back in his arms. His touch seemed to make her feel even more alive.

“You were the reason I woke up from the coma.” She whispered into his neck. He felt along her neckline for the silver necklace. He smiled tenderly.

“I love you.” He said kissing her head casually. “Let me help you upstairs.” She looked over at her parents who just smiled and nodded.

“Thanks.” She said softly. They walked hand in hand upstairs to her room. He opened her door for her and then closed it quietly behind him.

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