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Lewis had overslept.

“Dammit.” He exclaimed. He snuck downstairs and got to work. Mrs Bennett came downstairs soon after and was a little bit shocked to see him in her kitchen at seven in the morning.

“Morning, Mrs Bennett.” Lewis smiled at her.

“Lewis.” She regarded him.

“I hope you don’t mind me making breakfast.” 

“No, of course not. As long as you clean up.” She winked at him and made herself a cup of coffee.

“Thank you.” Lewis said quickly as he grabbed a tray and headed back upstairs. Lewis walked into her room and saw her sitting at her dressing table. Her hair looked soft; she had obviously just brushed it. He smiled at her. She was so adorable. Lewis put the tray on the table and leaned on the chair. She smiled sweetly at him and closed her eyes. Lewis kissed her forehead and her cheek which made her laugh.

“I see you got my note,” he said picking up the discarded envelope, “I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed but I overslept a bit so I wrote a note.” He smiled at the thought of how cliché it really was. Lewis made Hayley her favourite, pancakes and chocolate sauce. There was a beautiful ruby-red rose placed delicately on the plate.

“Where did you find time for all of this?” She asked him curiously.

“I don't need time, I need you! I need you to be happy so I made you your favourite.”  Wow Lewis, real classy, He thought to himself.

Hayley looked at the time, “Oh my gosh we're going to be late for school!” Lewis laughed and looked into her eyes,

“No, we aren't going…” Hayley looked at him, utterly bewildered.

“It’s Saturday, Angel and the term is over.” She blushed, her cheeks glowing cerise.

“Oh, right!”

They spent all morning lying in bed, talking about this and that. She was lying on his chest, while he played with her hair, twisting and twirling it.

“Wait a second!” She suddenly exclaimed and shot up.

“Did I do something wrong?!” Lewis asked, sounding puzzled. What did I do?

“No, no not at all, actually if I'm right...” she got up and picked up the letter he had written her. Hayley scanned through the letter and as she read the last sentence her eyes sparkled with excitement. He got up and walked to where she stood. Lewis wrapped his arms around her waist and looked over her shoulder. She stepped back into his arms and sniffed a few times. “Hey, are you,” he turned her around to face him, Hayley wiped away her tears desperately, “why are you crying? Did I upset you?”

“I don't know why I'm getting all emotional, I probably seem pathetic!” Hayley sobbed.

“No, no Angel you could never...” He reasoned. What did I do? He repeated.

“You said it, you actually said it, maybe not verbally but you said it!” She repeated over and over again.

“What did I say?” He was so puzzled, what was she talking about? Did he say something wrong? She was still clutching onto his letter.

“You said you love me!” She grabbed him and pulled into a tight hug. He tucked her hair over her ear and whispered into it, “Of course I do.”

What should it say? Maybe, “love Lewis...” No, that seemed too impersonal. “Come on Lewis,” he whispered, “think!” He quickly jotted a note and tucked it into an envelope. He pushed it into her nightgown pocket. Pleased with his letter he looked over at Hayley, tangled in the mess of blankets and sheets. Breathing in and out, slowly.


Lewis eventually left Hayley’s house at five. He promised her that he would return. As he got home he yelled to his mum that he was home.

“Lewis James Parker!” his mother’s voice bellowed from just inside the kitchen. What did I do now?  He asked himself. Lewis walked into the kitchen, his mind elsewhere.

“Hi, Mum.” He said cheerfully.

“Don’t you, ‘Hi Mum’ me Mr!” Her words spat out of her mouth like firing coals. Lewis looked down at his mother and raised an eyebrow.

“Mum, have you taken your Risperidone today?” His mother’s face reddened with rage.

“Don’t talk to me like that, Lewis. That girl... Hayley. She’s changed you. You aren’t my son! What has she done to you?” Her hand slashed across his face, leaving a burning mark on his cheek. Lewis exploded. He screamed out at his mother, making her retreat into the corner of the kitchen like a wounded puppy.

“Don’t ever talk about Hayley like that again? Do you hear me?” Lewis’ eyes, ridden with anger and frustration, looked his mother up and down and turned out the kitchen door. Not again. He shook his head and walked out the front door. Lewis breathed in and out slowly as he paced the porch.

Calm down Lewis. She’s just sick. She forgot to take her medicine again. He told himself repeatedly. He hated fighting with her. She never really meant anything she did. Schizophrenia disabled his mother from functioning properly, one minute as sweet as honey and the next she could be ready to bite your head off. Lewis would hear her constantly babbling on about voices she heard and how they would never leave her alone. Lewis’ mother came out onto the porch and screamed at him once again.

“I’ve had enough, Mum!” He yelled over her voice. The rest of her screaming blanked out into white noise. He turned his back on her and walked down the porch steps. 

“And don't come back until you decide to apologise!” He heard her say.

“I’ve had enough.” He whispered to himself.

Lewis hung his head low; it felt heavy with thoughts cramming into every section of his head.

Enough, I’ve had enough. Just as he lifted his head he saw Hayley. She froze in her tracks, her face filled with terror and panic. Lewis felt awful for letting her see him like this. He’d been able to handle his emotions just fine until now. Lewis reached out and grabbed Hayley, pulling her into an embrace. For one minute he just wanted to hold his world in his arms, just one minute that he wanted to feel that everything would be alright. Hayley held onto his neck, he found that so comforting. Lewis squeezed her tightly.

“Are you alright?” Hayley whispered into his neck as she held him and ran her fingers through his dark hair. His skin tingled and he felt warm inside.

“I'm fine, now that you are here. What made you come?” He asked sensitively.

“I wanted to surprise you.” She admitted looking up at him.

“Well you did more than surprise me, you just made my day.” He looked deeply into her eyes,

Hayley was his safe haven, and he felt better every time he was with her.

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