Chapter 3

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You woke up in a large soft bed and completely forgot to phone your parents. You ran to the phone and dialled  your parents number. "Hello poppet. We knew you would forget so we didn't worry if you arrived. How is the village?" Your mother asked. "It's like it came from a dream." You said. "That's wonderful lovely! I never thought my sister could run a town... You didn't tell her what I told you. Right?" She asked worried. "No mom. I didn't tell her. She seems so happy when I arrived. She is getting along with everyone in the town." You said with a smile. "She certainly changed? Has she settled down with someone?" Your mother asked in a joking way. "Unfortunately not. But she has her eyes on someone." You could tell your mother was worried. You had a gut feeling. "This may not be good. Learn a bit more about him. See what she can tell you about him." You opened the curtains in the house. "Ok mom. Speak to you soon." You heard loud footsteps in the background. "And tell dad I said hi." Your mother laughed. "Ok hun. Speak to you soon." She needed the call. You smiled and put the phone down. You ate breakfast got changed into a simple white dress and ran to the mayors office.

you knocked on the door and saw 2 parcels but no sign of Paige anywhere. There was a note on the pacrels.

Gone for afternoon tea with Sam and Damien here are the parcels

these go to two places:

The bates motel

The timberline lodge

There is quite a distance between them but I'm sure you will enjoy the walk.

you could befriend the people you have to deliver the parcels to.

from Paige

you looked at the top parcel. The bates motel was first. You grabbed the parcels and walked down to the bates motel.

you looked at the door of the bates motel. You knocked on the door and it opened. "H-hello..." A voice said. "U-umm I have a parcel for you. From the mayor." He opened the door. He was wearing a simple sweater and had a white shirt. With simple grey work trousers and very classy shoes. He had the posture of a timid person so you thought to have a calm voice and to be friendly. "Th-thank you. C-come in." He opened the door for you and you walked in. "Is it not open?" He looked down. "I-It is b-but no one comes in." You felt sorry. He didn't have much business. He seemed like a nice person. "Wh-what's your n-name?" He asked. "It's (Y/N). What's your name?" You asked with a gentle smile. You sat down in a kitchen as he made a drink. "N-Norman Norman bates." He said. He made your drink and gave it you then sat across from you. "I'm sorry the mayor couldn't deliver your parcel. She is having tea with Sam and Damien." He smiled. "Th-that's good. Th-there not c-causing trouble." You giggled. "I'm guessing they give you a hard time." You sip your tea. He nods and sips his tea. It was a comfortable silence. You decided to smile and tell him something about yourself. "I am a distant family member of the mayor." He seemed interested. "From my mothers side. I learnt a lot about the mayor. Unfortunately not good things." He put his drink down. "C-can you tell me s-something about her. N-no one really k-knows anything a-about her." You looked in his eyes. Should you tell him? "I-I don't know if you can keep it a secret. Can you keep a secret?" He nodded at you and you sighed. You told him everything about her. His listened and was a little shocked. "Wow... Why w-would she do that?" He asked. "She was scared of losing him since he was the only one who wanted to be by her side and I guess that was her first time being happy and she didn't want her happiness to go..." You said. "Apparently she has her eyes on someone. She didn't tell me who but it's someone in town. I worry something will happen if she gets rejected or if her heart is broken. Maybe the same thing will happen." You said. You drank all of your tea and placed the cup in the sink. "Oh I heard the mayor wants to come and stay here soon. She says she doesn't want loads of people to surround her so here would be nice and relaxing for her to stay at. I also thinks she wants to get to know you. Please don't tell her anything I said about her. Keep everything I told you a secret." You walked out the hotel. Next the timberline lodge.

Norman's POV

she was so nice and very pretty. I couldn't help but wonder who the mayor could have possibly like? most  people in this village and killers. What she told me about the mayor. I never thought the mayor would do. She seemed friendly and open to talk to. Mother thinks the mayor should be locked up or sent away. I know mother will want the mayor gone. But the mayor hasn't hurt me or mother or the motel. In anyway. She helped us if anything. She got rid of the road that would have completely destroyed the motels business. I guess everyone in this village has a dark past. But what could (Y/N)'s be?

Back to you

When you arrived you noticed how far it was from the village. Why would a hotel be here? You opened the door. Surprisingly it had lots of people in here. You walked to the desk "this is a package for Jack Torrance." You pass the receptionist the parcel and walked out back to the village. Why would a village have 2 hotels? How very strange indeed.

you walked back to the mayors office and the receptionist there gave you a note. An address? Not more parcels. Just an address. You walked to the dares and saw Paige having tea with Damien and a boy with a strange costume. Assuming he was Sam. You sat by Paige and she smiled and poured a drink of tea. "These are Damien. You already know and this one by him is Sam. There is something I need to tell you about the residents of this village...shall I tell her boys?" She asked and they nodded. "Most people here have killed at least one person. Or more. We are all killers some of us aren't even human. Like Sam and it. They are not human. Damien is the son of the devil." You sat in shock. "I am here because... Of my past. Isn't it?" You nodded and the boys looked at you confused. "Care to tell us your past?" Paige asked. You sighed. You have hidden it long enough. "Ok I will tell you..."

Village of horror (slashers X reader) BOOK 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum