Chapter 1: The Human

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It seems like I have been running forever. My legs were becoming weak and breathing was highly difficult. I couldn't stand it anymore. I was exhausted and I had nowhere to go but into the creepy, dark forest near the edge of my town that looked as though a huge black cloud had been dropped right on top of it. It kind of had a bad aura to it.

'Not that I really believed in that sorta thing.' I thought to myself.

That was a place I was told never to go near, no matter what. My parents warned me many times; because apparently strange things have happened around there recently? Unexplainable sounds during the night, shadowy figures, and teens or people's pets going occasionally missing. But no one has really figured out why this stuff happens. You know.. Due to lack of evidence or not being able to catch the culprits in the middle of the acts.

But I had no other choice. I was being followed by something vicious and terrifying. Nothing normal. Some kind of monster? I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, I need to somehow give it the slip. SOMEHOW. Keyword here. (Because its been following me for a while now.) Though it looks as though it won't be easy. Its fast, with leathery-like wings, covered head-to-toe with what looks like patches of feathers. Horns too, maybe?
Who the Hell knows or cares? It's chasing me and it looks like it came from the Jurassic Era!
I took a deep breath, pushing away the uneasy feeling that festered in the pit of my stomach and the warning signs my mind had been trying to give me. I stared directly into the face I knew was Death and I ran right into the forest, despite my brain screaming at me that that was the WRONG thing to do.
Behind me, I heard a frightening high-pitched squeal. I looked back behind me for just a split second to see that whatever that creature was, had stopped right after I stupidly decided to enter the forest. After a few moments, I realized it wasn't going to follow me inside!
I thought for sure it would... I guess I thought wrong. Was it toying with me? It seems like it's pretty smart.
Well SHIT. That put a huge wrench in my plan of wanting to lose it, James Bond style. 'Well, minus the fast cars and guns.' I said inside my own thoughts.
What was I going to to do now? What was IT going to do? It knows I'm in here now.
Hopefully it doesn't wait for me to exit on the other side and deviously dive-bomb my fucking head and win the preemptive strike.

Oh Gaia, why do weird things like this always have to happen to me?! This isn't the only awkward, strange phenomemon to occur during my life. Well, not supernatural stuff, but you get it. I'm only a Seventeen year old girl! I don't want to die! Not like this! There are still so many things I still need to accomplish in my life. Like finish High School, get a tattoo, go to college, or sky dive off the Empire state building! Okay, I admit... That last one was a bit overdramatic. But--

Crap. Crap. Crap.
Whatever the hell is hunting you home Rena, DON'T LET IT CATCH YOU!

Hey! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first story I'm posting on this app

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Hey! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my first story I'm posting on this app. But, by NO means, is this my first written story. Oh no! This is probably about my 20th or so. Anyway, ENJOY THE REST AND LEAVE SOME REVIEWS!!!! :-) (Also, sorry for the short chapter. I just like to get straight to the point, and give readers enough information to hook them in, to make them want more.) ;)

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