45 • Time of the month prt 2 🔴😣📆

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• start wearing panty liners 2-3 days before it comes 🌋😖💢

• download a period tracker app to help you put and get future dates, and log & track symptoms. My most fav app is called 'flo' its really accurate 👌🏽✨ but if its early or late one day and its not the day that the app scheduled your period to come. You can log your period that day and it will change the dates to improve the accuracy of your cycle 🔄😌

• buy some spandex to go under your pants when you're on 👖

• take advil or midol to help with cramps 💊😫

• change your pad or tampon every 3 hours ⏱

• take hot showers and sit in warm baths 🛀🏽

• use a baby or feminine wipe after you use the bathroom 🚽

• purchase some feminine wipes to keep on you you freshen up. I recommend summers eve feminine cleansing cloths 🌸

• shower morning and night no excuses ☝🏽

• always keep extra panties and pants on you 😇

• a hack to hide tampons when you have to leave the classroom during school is to take a hi-lighter that you don't use, remove the bottom and use tweezers to take the ink and tip of the hi-lighter out and your tampon will fit right in there. Or if you are where a sweatshirt hide in the sleeve or pocket. I personally just sneak it into the waistband of my pants, pull my shirt over it and go to the bathroom 👀

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