Chapter One

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•Chapter One•


~Present time~
June 21, 10:47 am

"Blackwell Mound! A place of opportunity!" My mom cheers, her brown hair flying in the wind, as our car passes the wooden welcome sign.

'Welcome to Blackwell Mound.'

I furrow my eyebrows at the name, it sounds creepy and uninviting. Who would want to live in a place that's named so creepily?

"Mom, isn't it kind of weird to name a town 'Blackwell Mound'?" I question. I let out a soft scoff when she shakes her head.

"Really, mom? We could have moved to North Carolina where aunt Tracy lives, instead of here."

Yesterday, at six thirty in the morning my mother woke me up from my peaceful slumber. She forced me out of my bed while I kept groaning how early it was. When she told me that I have to pack my clothes, and that we are leaving, I got snapped out of my sleepy state as I began to question her why.

Mom suspected my dad of cheating, saying that he's been very distant. I thought it was probably one of those articles in the magazine Cosmopolitan that told her that dad's cheating on her. However, yesterday while she was cleaning, mom found an underwear made of red lace inside dad's briefcase that he carelessly stuffed under their bed. It wasn't hers. She showed it to me, ranting about dad being with different women behind her back.

Normally, when she would ramble about it, I would tell her not to rush with ideas, and say dad's just busy at work. He usually goes on business trips. But when I saw the evidence and summed it all up, I knew mom was right this time. Without another word, I followed her.

So, here we are now after travelling for two days. In a town that I didn't even know existed.

"So what if the name is weird? It's unique!" She exclaims, slapping her hand on the wheel as if it would prove her remark.

"And besides, your aunt Tracy is in Germany for work. She wouldn't be home for another month." She pursed her glossy lips into a thin line.

Sighing, I closed my eyes and rested my head against the window. I just shut my mouth, knowing if I argued more, she'd definitely yell at me. But one question just seemed to linger in my head, begging for me to ask and find out the answer. Not able to resist the temptation, I ask, catching mom off guard, making her eyes go wide as I speak.

"Why didn't you defend yourself as his wife and confront him? Why did you just let him do this to you?"

Her lips formed a tight line again, her grip on the steering wheel tightening, making her knuckles turn white.

"I wish I knew the answer, Lucy, but I don't. Yet." She mutters. I look away, not wanting to make her even more sad or angry. The car turned to the left then to the right and soon, a few buildings appeared.

From what I could see, Blackwell Mound wasn't a big place. The buildings grew closer by the second until we arrived in town. A few people walked on the sidewalks while others drove in their cars like us. Mom continued to drive, probably searching for something. When she smiles and claps her hands, I know she found it.

"Finally! Here's one!" She parked the car in front of a small building.


I should have known.

"Well, I'll just buy a few groceries for today, okay? Just wait here in the car, I won't take long." Mom assured me.

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