"Screw it, Liv can do it. Saying she's being lazy." I laugh.

Andy gets back from his shower and takes a seat on the sofa beside me in the living room.

"Miss me?" He smiles.

"Always." I reply, cuddling into him and he kisses my head.

"What's the plan for today?" He asks, playing with my hair.

"Well I thought, you me, Rye and Liv could all go out for the day on a little double date. We could go shopping and then the cinema or something." I explain.

"Sick!" He replies, sounding happy with the plan.


I wake to find Rye in bed with his arm around me watching me.

"Jeez! How long have you been there?" I laugh.

"Are you joking? I've been here for like two hours. You spoke to me when I came in." He laughs.

"Really? I don't remember." I laugh.

"You're so simple." He replies, kissing my head.

"You're mean." I pout, moving away from him.

"Aw you love me really." I smile, tickling her side. She laughs and tries to move away.

"Oh ticklish are we?" I laugh, tickling her again and she whacks me with a pillow as she squirms away.

"Nope." I laugh.

"Looks like it to me love." He smiles as I get up, running my hands through my hair.

"Oh yeah, Skye suggested me, you, her and Andy all going out on a double date today. Shopping and then cinema, what do you think?" I ask him.

"Sounds good to me babe." He says stretching and yawning.

"How was gym?" I ask, changing into a hoodie and shorts.

"Gym was great babe, Andy and I had a push up competition. I won, obviously." He laughs.

"That's just what you need, something else to make that ego of yours bigger." I laugh.

"Shut up you." He laughs, throwing his shirt at me.

"Liv! Hurry up and get ready please." Skye bursts in.

"Skye! It's like 10am, we're not going out until 12!" I answer.

"Exactly! I know how long it takes you to get ready so I'm telling you now. I know you, you'll do your hair and then prance about for ages, then get changed and then do your make up. Or something like that." Skye explains.

"That is pretty accurate!" Rye laughs.

"Alright you two! Simmer!" I laugh.


It's been two hours since Liv was told to be ready. Me, Andy and Skye are all downstairs in the living room and we're still waiting for Liv.

"Liv! Hurry up!" I shout upstairs.

"Excuse me for wanting to look good for my man!" She shouts back.

"You always look good babe! If you're not down here in 5 minutes, I'm coming up there!" I shout.

"Cute and bring it on mate!" She replies.

"You're going to end up throwing her over your shoulder and bringing her down aren't you?" Andy laughs.

"That's the plan mate." I smile.

BK1 ~ Ours (RoadTripTV fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now