TITAN Chapter 1

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'We are now live at the scene on Westminster bridge where a vehicle believed to be carrying at least two men has collided with pedestrians. We also have reports coming in that an individual carrying a knife has attempted to enter the buildings here at westminster. One Policeman is believed to have been seriously wounded during the attack'.
Paul looked grimly at his phone displaying the news bulletin. It was a hard life been a traffic cop, there was always plenty to do in central London.
A message appeared on the screen, 'Are you okay? Watching it all on TV, message if you can, worried!!!'
He nodded looking down at the phone 'I'm fine' he messaged. ''We're on standby, not sure when I'll be finished today'.
The sound of an engine and blue flashing lights drew close behind him as he placed the phone back in his jacket.
The second rider parked up alongside Paul and removed his helmet.
'Have you heard anything else, do they know how many casualties?'
'Everything's on lock down" replied Paul, 'it's obviously terrorists again'.
'It's getting too dangerous this job, and now they're cutting recruitment. We're up against it' urged the man, 'We're losing respect on the streets and with the people'.
'Sorry but I don't give a shit, six months and I'm out of the force and out of London for good" he smirked.
'You're one of the lucky ones' groaned the man. 'Make sure you save me a room at your new gaff'.
Paul smiled, putting on the helmet. 'I'll give you a discount'.
"What?" puzzled the man.
"Don't expect a freebie' shouted Paul, starting his bike, "you and our Martin can share!"
The officer gestured two fingers at Paul as he pulled away onto the highway.
Eventually, Paul arrived at his flat, noticing the padlock securing his garage door had been damaged.
'It's okay" assured a voice. I heard them and they took off, we didn't want to worry you with everything going on in Westminster'.
Paul turned around to acknowledge his neighbour, Sebastian.
'They're even robbing the police now' he joked, 'third time this month they've tried to break in'.
'Bet you'll be glad when you're up north with the yokels' scoffed Sebastian. 'It's getting horrendous down here'.
'I'll miss some of you but I definitely won't miss London' urged Paul.
'I couldn't live in a village' replied his neighbour, 'too many nosy Parker's wanting to know your business'.
Paul nodded agreeably, secretly wishing he was moving tomorrow.
London had been his home since he joined the Metropolitan police force thirty years ago.
Now it was a graveyard of memories, and a stark reminder of his failures.

The flat was silent and void as he opened the heavy door, placing his keys on the quirky iron hanger festooning the entrance.
He threw down his heavy jacket and retreated to the bathroom to relieve himself, it was a long ride from the depot but at least he had his motorbike. Using the car would mean an arduous journey, stuck in rush hour traffic.
Suddenly he heard his mobile ringing on the kitchen table.
'Nobody ever bloody calls' he growled to himself, attempting to stem the flow, 'hold on!' he called into the empty room.
Pulling up his trousers, Paul walked quickly towards the table just as the ringing stopped.
'Damn it!' he exclaimed, unlocking the phone, 'probably someone trying to sell me life insurance, like anyone actually cares'.
A notification appeared on the screen showing a voicemail.
He took the phone into the kitchen, placing it on the worktop as he reached into the cupboard for a cup.
'You have two new messages and Five saved messages' said a pre-recorded voice from the device speaker, "First new message".
''It's me" began the recording, 'I've got to go in to work later, I'm sure you can work out why. You'll have to pick the kids up from Pam's and by the way, David has broken his computer again so you'll have to sort it, I'm sick of it'.
'That's going to be tricky as I give you all my bloody wages' murmered Paul to himself.
'Anyway, just letting you know, the paperwork for the settlement has come through, you just have to sign it, even you can manage that...'.
Paul grabbed the phone, angrily stopping the message and forwarding to the next voicemail.
'Hi, hope you're okay, we've been really worried, please give us a call when you can. Not long to go now, you'll soon be away from all the crap'.
He selected the option to return the call and began making a cup of tea.
'Thank god!' exclaimed the voice through the speaker. 'It's getting worse down there, do yourself a favour and get yourself signed off'.
'You know I can't Theresa" he complained, 'I need my pension plus the ex is milking me for every drop, I can't describe how much I hate that woman'.
'She's a leach but you don't help yourself, she walks all over you' stated Theresa crossly.
'Please I really don't want to argue with you' groaned Paul, 'it's been a long day and I've got to go in tomorrow now too'.
'Well like I said, it's your own fault, you decided to be a Copper AND marry one. we're always here to help but you need to sort that bitch out or she'll bleed you dry'.
Paul sighed heavily, looking up at the clock. 'I need to get some tea and think about getting some kip' he grumbled. 'Sorry for going on' assured Theresa, 'It makes gets me unbelievably angry seeing her mess you about, she's the one who crapped on you for God's sake'.
'I know, got to go anyway, loves you all' concluded Paul, pressing the end call option.
Theresa was his childhood friend, they had lost touch for almost thirty years after he left Sheffield to head to the bright lights of London. They had met again after attending a school reunion and stayed in touch ever since.
Theresa had had a hard life too since their school days, enduring a hostile divorce and having to start over again with nothing.
She was happy now and prospering with her own business, married to a caring man and moving on with her life.
Paul was glad but a little envious. He was the popular one at school while Theresa was virtually invisible. He would always be surrounded by girls while she trailed behind, now the roles had been reversed.
His ex-partner of twenty years had climbed the career ladder while he had remained stoic, instead choosing to concentrate on their children as she sailed above him. This eventually lead her to meeting a senior officer and beginning an affair which went on for a length of time before she revealed all, demanding Paul leave the family home as she was moving in her new man!
In many ways her position proved humiliating as she was earning considerably more than him, able to supply enough temptation and treats to keep the children loyal while she used her knowledge of the law to ensure he was constantly drained of money and resources.
Suddenly the phone rang again, breaking his train of thought.

He looked at the receiver, expecting to see Theresa or his ex's face on the screen but he didn't recognise the number.
He considered leaving it to go to voicemail, unable and unwilling to cope with any more emotional turmoil.
The phone rang a couple more times. 'Damn it' he grumbled to himself. 'Maybe it's a nymphomaniac stripper wanting to make me a curry?'
He pressed the accept call button and held the phone to his ear.
There was a brief silence before a male voice spoke.
'Is that officer Blake-Paul Blake?'
'Who's calling?' he replied, annoyed at been disturbed in his rest time.
'This is Steven Gardner from Scotland yard, is that Paul Blake?'.
Paul sat up with a start, completely surprised and worried at the same time.
'Yes...this is Paul..officer Blake.. sorry, are you sure you've called the right number?'.
'Look outside your flat' said the voice calmly.
Paul got up quickly, beginning to panic. "I think you've made a mistake, what's going on?'.
"No mistake" assured the voice, 'wave out of the window please'.
Paul was cautious did as instructed, alarmed to see three black pursuit vehicles parked outside his flat.
'Which one do I wave to?'
'The armoured one at the back' urged Gardner.
Paul waved meakly, totally bemused by the bizarre situation which he had found himself part of.
The rear car flashed it's headlights as the other front two vehicles pulled away quickly
'We just had to be certain it was you' said the voice.
'Sure of what? this is a huge mistake, I'm just a traffic cop'.
'We're well aware of your job and rank, that's why you've been chosen' asserted Gardner. "Now please gather together an overnight bag as soon as possible, we need to get going'.
Paul was stunned but a sense of duty and intrigue came over him as he frantically collected his clothes together.
'Its Got to be a prank' he told himself. 'Why would Scotland yard need me?'.
He felt an overarching notion of importance for the first time in a long time.
This was the reason he joined the police. To experience the thrill, been in the centre of the action like his heroes on television. Unfortunately, the reality had been quite different, bogged down with red tape and paperwork, watching criminals walking free due to someone putting evidence in the wrong plastic bag.
Over the years, he had grown weary of the constraints placed on his job. Doctors and firemen enjoying an almost glorified position in society while been police officers had become an embarrassment.
He hurried towards the door, hopeful that this would be an adventure to remember in the days to come after his retirement.

'Sorry about all the drama' said Gardner, opening the door of the large black Audi.
'No problem, I'm just a bit confused' replied Paul, lifting the boot and placing his small case inside.
'I'll explain everything when we get to the station, we need to be absolutely sure what we're about to talk about is completely confidential, do you understand?'.
Paul nodded, 'yes, of course'.
'Turn off your mobile and lock it in this case' instructed Gardner, handing Paul a small metal box.
'What does the box do?' questioned Paul.
'You'd be amazed how easy it is to hack phones. The box hides any GPS trace from your mobile'.
The car sped along the darkened highway as Paul tried to gather his thoughts.
'Where exactly are we going?'
'Special operations facility, only about ten people in the world know it exists' replied Gardner. 'Most people have never heard of Titan'.
'Titan, What does that mean?'
'The-interior-anti-terror-and-neutralisation team' replied Gardner.
'It was set up to launch covert anti-terror measures to protect the UK and Europe from terrorist activity'.
Paul smirked cleverly. 'Judging by today's events I think it's all gone a bit awry to be honest'.
Gardner glared angrily at him. 'Do have you any idea how many attacks we stop every single day? If it wasn't for us London would look like mohsul'.
'Sorry, I didn't mean any disrespect'.
Paul felt embarrassed by his ignorance, after all, how much did anyone really know about the inner workings of the British government.
'Almost there' said Gardner 'When we get inside, move along quickly and don't ask any questions or talk to anyone, do you understand?'.
'Yes, of course' replied Paul, becoming a little irritated by Gardner's manner.
The car turned into a darkened service road, lit only by a single lamp on the wall of an old building.
'This isn't quite what I expected' he remarked.
'What did you expect, Area 51?' scoffed Gardner.
'The whole point of been covert is no one knows where you are. The staff enter via a tunnel leading from that car sales place over there"
'Car show room, of course' muttered Paul, 'No one would ever suspect a thing'.
'That's what it's all about, keeping a low profile, that's why we picked you Paul'.

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