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Derek was making his way off for the school so he could meet up with his friends on the team for a final game. The seniors of the team would soon be getting busy with graduation and then college and this might be the last time they all played together as a group. Most of the team was disappointed that Derek wouldn't be joining them next year. Derek told them that he was given no choice as his mother had even gone to their Coach and told him that Derek wasn't to be put on the team next season. Derek let a small growl escape him as he went through the school doors. He tried to talk to his big sister and asked her if she could help their mother change her mind but Laura said that she probably made the fair and wise decision. He made one small mistake and now his mother was making him pay for it for the rest of his life? How was that a fair and wise decision? Derek felt his anger start to rise and the heated blood flowed to his head and he quickly went and hurled the basketball he was holding across the hall where it ricocheted hard off some lockers and started to bounce a bit away. Derek went to go after it when a pair of hands reached down and picked it up.

It was a young woman with long and curly blonde hair. She looked down at the ball and held it out to him. "Here, I think you dropped this," she said with an expression that made it clear that she had seen him hurl it away.

Derek felt the heat rise in his cheeks at how his outburst had been seen. "Sorry," he said taking it from her.

But the woman just shrugged. "Hey, it's high school. What high school wouldn't be complete without angry, tempered teenagers?"

Derek let a small chuckle escape him as he gave the woman a look. She wasn't a student, he knew that. But she seemed too young to be a teacher also. He didn't recognize her, and he would've remembered someone like her. She was beautiful. "Uh, I haven't seen you around here before," he said to her.

"Oh, I'm a TA. This is actually my first day." She held out her hand to him. "I'm Kate."

Derek quickly went to shake it back. "Derek." He couldn't help but think that her hands were warm and soft.

She then let him go and eyed the basketball he was holding. "You're here for some after school ball?"

"Yeah, I'm on the team. Well, was on the team."

"Oh, what happened?"

He shook his head. "It's a long story."

"Oh, a man of mystery. I like that," she said with a small smile.

Derek smile widened to show his teeth now. But Derek shook himself out of it. "I better go. My friends will be waiting for me."

"Okay. I hope to see you again some time," she called out after him.

Derek stopped and looked back at her. "Me too."

As Derek headed off for the gym, Kate was eyeing him with a hungry look in her eye. Hook, line and sinker.


A girl, Carrie, was running in the parking lot of the high school. Hiding through the maze of school buses as Violet was trying to hunt her down. She let her golden eyes flare a bit to reveal she was a werewolf before she ran off when she heard Violet's footsteps grow closer. Violet had her thermal wire out and ready. The girl was now hiding in one of the buses and paced herself as she heard Violet pass by.

"The sun, the moon, the truth," she muttered to herself. She kept repeating the words in whispers but gasped when she heard the door opening.

Violet was stepping into the bus and was now looking through the seats, checking them for any sign of her. She pulled and taut her wire as she walked down the bus. The werewolf surprised her and scratched at her, knocking her down as she ran out of the bus. Carrie started to make a hard break for it when a minivan pulled up in front of her.

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