*** Ramona Geneva ***

Start from the beginning

She grabbed Raina again, pulled up skimpy dress and said now look at her thighs. He gasped as they were covered in bite marks.

Ramona said now if you excuse us, I will be taking Raina here down for an exam. If I am going to be expelled by the pack then I want her examined and tested to see if she is pregnant.

Raina screamed you can't do that. Ramona shut her up and said my sense of smell must be better than yours Alpha because I smell that Raina here is indeed pregnant.

He growled and said Raina is innocent. Ramona said with her sweet spot covered in hickey's and bites on her thighs, innocent yeah right. My sister has not been a virgin for many years, you all just don't know it, it seems.

He snarled and grabbed Raina by the arm and smelled her, then he started growling. Ramona said if I leave her in your hands then the exam will never happen. You all believe every god damned lying word this bitch says and I am done.

She took Raina by grabbing her hair and yanked her away saying right Raina? Little miss ass kisser, every time you come home smelling like sex after our parents go to bed.

Or the times you leave your bedroom window unlocked and let your current lover sneak into your bedroom. She dragged her sister out of the office, then shoved the other arm behind her back and made her sister squeal.

When she got to the infirmary, she said hey Doctor Cliff, I will submit to a full exam if you examine Raina first. She needs a blood test first since I smell she is pregnant.

He snorted and said I don't believe that. Ramona yelled do the god damned test doctor or I will shove her into a car and take her to Council.

He crossed his arms and said no. She said fine then doctor. She turned and dragged Raina up the stairs and knocked her out cold with one blow, stuffed her in Raina's own car trunk and got in the car.

She drove off as everyone watched in shock. She rolled the window down and gave them all the finger. She pulled over about half hour later, and went to the trunk, opened it and knocked her sister out again. Used what was in the truck to bind her up with and then gagged her and put a hood over her head and shut the trunk again.

She got back on the road, and using Raina's credit card to buy gas and a coffee for the drive. By the time she got to the council, it was late that night.

With very few cars in the parking lot, she pulled up close and turned off the car. She got out and soon pulled her sister out and left her hands bound, gag in and hood on and then took her inside.

She hummed as she walked past Warriors who froze. She headed to the stairs as Raina tried to fight her. Ramona took her sister down to the ground and growled in her ear and said you stupid disgusting bitch, you reek to me.

She dragged her sister back up and said you little liar, you are going to be tested as the more that scent blocker you are wearing wears off the more your real scent is coming out. I knew you stunk like a slut but this is bad as I smell rogue on and in you.

The Council Warriors all hearing growled and raced after her. She dragged her sister down the stairs and soon asked for help. The Warriors moved in close and soon got a room which she shoved Raina in as they growled rogue's bitch huh?

Ramona snorted and said not as far as the pack goes, they all believe this bitch is an angel and innocent as the day she was born, clearly you all smell her too? They nodded.

She said yup, if you have someone that reads memories or a seer you can bring them down and read this little bitch. A warrior nodded and said they are on their way. Where did she find a rogue?

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