Adopt day

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M hay JOHN
J yes Megan
M ummm.... can we start a family
J ya but let's adopt
M ok I'll call the adoption center
J ok
M "calls" hey
Mrs: would you like to adopt
M yes please we'll be there at 1:00 pm
Mrs: ok
M "hangs up" well she said we can go but at 1:00
J great
E "turns on laptop" well 2 more hours till lunch I guess I have time to watch a video of Strawburry17 and than watch her tv show
"Puts on Strawburry17"
Mrs: everyone go to the main room to get looked at
E great I'm just bringing my iPod to watch her show on
Em come on
E I know
Em we are here
E you think I don't know
B you have no chance
E I don't care
Em ok I'm gonna sit right here
E ok I'll sit in the corner "pulls out phone and puts on strawburry17 show"
M john were here!!
J I know
Mrs: oh hi you must mr and mrs burry
J yes we are
Mrs: ok sit over there you can ask one child at a time to our room
J thanks
M hey John
J yes?
M I hear my voice
J must just be your imagery
M ok but I'm gonna look at the girl in the blue hoodie
J ok
M I walk behind her with out saying a sound she is watching bæ craft!
M umm hi
E "says in head" oh great there's someone behind me" turns off iPod
M umm hi can you please go to the information room
E "ok" I say pulling my pink purple and blue hair in my face
M hi I'm Megan and this is my boyfriend john
J hi
E oh hi
M so what do you like
E I do gymnastics play on wattpad and watch YouTube
M so what are your favorite YouTubers
E Joey Graceffa, LDshowdowlady,Smallishbeans,Stacyplays,theorionsound, ihascupquake, John Estanislau and Strawburry17
M what is your favorite color
E blue?
Narrator POV
Sorry A/N I don't really know what Erin likes irl so ya back to the story
M ok. So how old are you?
E 5
M than why do you have a iPod and a laptop
E because they gave it to me
M ok
Mrs: sorry but can you move on
M ok
E and I do know who you to are :)
El how did it go? And who is it?
E it went great and it's my favorite YouTuber
---time skip---
M umm hi we will like to adopt Erin
Mrs: ok pick her up tomorrow
M ok
J ok
Mrs: bye
M bye
Mrs: finally that rat is getting adopted I hate her
----next day-----
M I'm going to pick up Erin
J no let me
M ok
----at the center----
J I hear screaming from Erin's room I run up there
J omg Erin are you ok
E n-n-n-no
Mrs: "punches Erin"
J stop
Mrs: no "punches more and more"
J "grabs Erin and her bag" AND IM NOT PAYING
----at home----
M how much money was it to get her
J I did not pay
M why?
J I will tell you tonight
M ok
J let's make a Q&A video
M ok on my channel
E how about first can you help me unpack my stuff and show me my room
J ok let's go
E wow this room is pretty and BLUE!!
⬇️ bed room

 So how old are you? E 5M than why do you have a iPod and a laptop E because they gave it to me M okMrs: sorry but can you move on M okE and I do know who you to are :) El how did it go? And who is it?E it went great and it's my favorite YouTuber ...

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

⬆️bed room
E thanks guys you are the best
M ok let's make a video
J ok
M hey guys I'm back again
With john
J hay
M and today we have something to say
J me and Megan adopted a little girl named Erin
E hi!
M and her birthday is on Friday and today is Monday so if you would like to give her a gift send it to the p.o. Box bye
M john can you make lunch I'm calling some of my friends
E "laptop and iPod dings" mo- I mean Megan your video was just posted
M ok and it's ok to call me mom
E ok
M I'm calling some of my friends ok
E ok
M go to your bedroom and play with toys or do gymnastics
E ok
M "calls Lizzie" hay Lizzie
L hay
M can you and Joel come to my house on Friday
L why
M watch my new video I you would now and call me  back
L ok
M "hangs up" "calls Joey" hay Joey
J hay
M can you come to my house on Friday don't know just watch my new video
J ok
M "calls every one"
E mom
M yes
E do you like my hair
M yes

Adopted by  Strawburry17Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora