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yellow was the color of the sun on the day i visited your gravestones.


side by side, like you had always been.


yellow seemed like a color that was filled with too much happiness, for this pain that i was feeling.


my two best friends were gone, wiped clean from the earth.


being the optimistic person that i’d always been, i took the yellow sun as your signal.


you were telling me that you were both happy now.


together, dancing in the rainbows of color above.


but little did you know, this world, without you,


was colorless.





okay wow its over fdjasfdlshjksah

i hope you guys loved it as much as i had fun writing it and seeing your reactions

im already working on a sequel so keep your eyes open for that wooo

i love you bye

colorless ◇ luke hemmings ◇ book oneWhere stories live. Discover now