Chapter 2

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Mason is looking at me waiting for my reaction. I look up at him and grin. Hey, I may be a runt but I am also going to be a lot faster than other wolves from my bloodlines and runts are small and agile. I also read one time runts are immune to silver and wolves bane.

Mason takes off running again and I follow close to him. We have to show the pack as is the tradition of all new wolves. My emotions get locked behind a wall once again as we enter the clearing were other wolves are. 

Mason and I shift back to human and walk to where they are all gathered. Alpha Max comes and looks at me. He then looks at Mason. "She did shift didn't she?" Max asked Mason. Mason looks at me and I shift. Gasps could be heard from almost everyone in the clearing as I shake out my fur.

We had a runt a few years ago and when they were presented to the pack they held there head in shame. Me on the other hand, well I am holding my head high in pride. Someone starts talking and soon the whispers are everywhere.

Black wolves are rare along with white wolves and one of them being a runt is unheard of. I shift back and they are still in shock as they wander away. I put my hands in the pocket of my hoodie and start walking away and back to Mason's house when Max grabs me. As a reflex I flip him onto his back. It is a good thing the pack has already left.

"You have to still go to Alpha School. You are an alpha and the next one to lead this pack. I called them and they are going to come and get you in an hour." Alpha Max said with a groan. Well so much for going on a run for the rest of the night.

I grab Mason and we start walking back to the house. I have never called it home. If I did anyone who heard new I didn't mean it. This is if they ever did hear me speak. Some of the boys watch me while we are in school but they talk to low for me to make out what they are saying. Even with alpha blood.

We made it back to the house and I walk to the room I have been staying in for the last few years. It has all my belongings in it or what few belongings I have. I only have seven outfits, three night outfits, two fighting outfits, a blanket, a pillow, and some weapons which I carry on me at all times.

My weapons are hidden on me, all but my twin swords which reside on my back. I also have about 20 daggers hidden on me. Some of the daggers are more concealed than others but most stop looking after finding five. I mean who carries 20 different daggers on their person? 

I gather everything up and put it into two bags. All of my weapons are on me and I am ready for a fight. My mother was the best warrior in this pack and I have now caught up to her level. Everyone is saying how I am going to surpass her by the time I come back here at age 21.

Mason comes into view standing right in my doorway. He raises a hand and knocks. "Can I come in?" He asks me. This may be his house but this is MY room and he doesn't dare enter it without permission. An assassin found out the hard way what happens when you enter my room without my permission.

I nod and he comes in and sits beside me on the bed. He might not be family by blood but he is one by heart. "Mason I didn't think I would be leaving this soon. My wolf only wants to run through the woods but I don't have the time. Running in a different territory won't be the same." I said. 

Mason sighed and looked at the watch he always keeps on his right wrist. "You have 40 minutes to go on your first run. We just won't tell Max." Mason said. I smile and can feel my eyes brighten. 

I would have gone for a run anyway if I hadn't feared Mason would get punished for it. "I am the true Alpha. Max doesn't even have the alpha voice." I say as I walk over to my window. There is a tree right outside it I use to climb down to escape from Mason when I get into a little to much trouble at school.

I hear Mason mumble something like 'So the tree is how she gets away every time.' I just smile and continue down the tree. The second my feet hit the soft grass I shift into my wolf. With a grin I take off and start running through the forest. 

Weaving between trees I find one tree with a huge base. Right at the base of the tree trunk where the roots had lifted up a little I dig. The entrance to my den is small and just big enough for me to fit through. The tree itself prevents it from being any bigger. 

The entrance tunnel goes about two feet before widening into a room. I had dug another tunnel down to be the sleeping spot and a different one to be one if I ever find another runt. I have also dug up an emergency exit tunnel which is hidden pretty well.

Looking up at the moon I see I only have five minutes to run a ten minute run back to Mason's house. Smiling I take off as fast as I can go. The trees blur as I try to run as fast as I can. Weaving and jumping logs three times my size. I make it to the house in seven minutes. 

Shifting back I swing the door open and dart up the attic stairs. My room has always been up there. We built a wall so half of it is my room. Mason is still sitting up there waiting for me. He sees me and stands up. 

"I have that stallion of yours ready. We both know you won't ride in the carriage they bring." Mason said. He has always hated Ace, my stallion. We werewolves had to make sure the villagers didn't know what we are. If they did they would come with pitchforks and torches burning everything to the ground.

Mason grabs my bags and we head down to the stables. There right by the barn, is Ace. He has his bit-less bridle and that's it. I am surprised Mason managed to get even his bit-less bridle on him. Ace doesn't like anyone but me. 

I put the saddlebags with all my things in them on Ace's back and then he picks his front leg up for me to use as a step up. I hop up and grab the reins. In truth I don't even need to use them but for the sake of appearances, I have to.

Mason stays away from Ace and waves at me as I guide him to the front of the house. The carriage is there waiting for me. When they see my riding a gypsy vanner, they seem surprised. "Are you Shadow? We are here to take you to the academy for young alpha's." One of the guards said.

"I am Shadow and I am riding my own horse to the academy," I said. There is no one here to send me off which I am fine with. One of the guards comes over to me with a perfume bottle. I eye it as he walks to me.

He looks at me and I have my hands over the hilt of my swords. He looked at me and seemed to recall what had happened to me and he put his hands up in surrender. "It is only going to cover up what pack you are in. The other alphas can't know what pack you are from." He said.

He starts to approach me and I relax slightly and he which took as a sign I'm going to allow him to spray me with the perfume. He sprayed the perfume on me and I noticed mine and Ace's scent changed. We still smell like a pack but you can't tell what one. We don't have the pine scent of a rouge.

The guards hop back up onto the seat of the carriage and they start the three day ride to the academy. I am for the first time since my parents died excited. My life is going to change. I can feel it. I can't tell if it will be for the better or for the worse but one way or another my life is going to change.


Only a couple of edits later and I am already much happier with this story. Took out a dead word. Wish I'd known about dead words way sooner than when I found out about them. It would have helped me a lot in my writing when I was younger. 

The Runt's AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora