Chapter 7

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Arran's pov

While me and Mason began inviting everyone we knew to our last minute Megan disappeared off to organise alcohol.

"Yeah, yeah.." She said into the phone. "Four crates of beer, three two litre bottles of Smirnoff Vodka, four Jack Daniels and Blue Wicked." I snorted and she placed her hand over the receiver before speaking. "For the girls...and the boys that want to be girls.." She explained causing me to laugh.  She finished her order abd hung up the phone.

I didnt even bother to ask how she had managed to do that.

She turned to me and grinned before speaking. "So can you show me my room so I can get changed?" She asked. I had to admit a part of me felt severely disappointed that she wanted to sleep away from me, but I immediately scolded myself. I was beginning to sound whipped. I motioned for her to follow me and I took her to the guest bedroom-which thankfully was right next door to mine. She grinned at me, pecked me on the cheek and headed into the room with her bag and closed the door behind her. I headed into my room to swap my oil and greese covered jeans for a shower and something a little more classy.

Megan's pov

I looked through my pile of clothing trying to find the best outfit to make Arran squirm. I settled for a fitted white dress, but I also pulled out a bottle of red hair dye I had bought when I had left Arran at the tattoo parlour. I opened the bottle up, walking out of my room and into Arran's. He was just cominf out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel when he seen me.

"Can I use your bathroom?" I asked.

"Go ahead." He said. I headed into the joining room, leaving the door open.

"So this will be good for you." He said.

"How do you mean?" I asked as I began pasting the red hair dye on the bottom half of my hair.

"Well you'll get to meet everyone tonight, I mean your first day of school was a Friday so you probably havent had the opportunity to make a lot of friends." He explained.

"I suppose when you put it that way." I said, tying my hair up and walking through so I could talk to him. He wore nothing but a pair of boxers, and I couldnt help but stare at his well defined chest.

"I-uh-nice abs." I muttered.

Why the hell did he have to look so good?! I asked myself.

"Thanks." He chuckled, sliding into his jeans and pulling his Armani t-shirt on.

"Can you rinse the hair dye out my hair?" I asked him.

"Sure." He said, following me through.

We sat in a companionable silence as he expertly shampooed and conditioned my hair. "You seem to know what your doing." I told him impressively.

"Twin sister remember." He chuckled. "This was my adolescence." He replied.

When he was finished I stood up and my hair immediately soaked my white top making it turn see through. This time it was Arran who was left speachless. To save his dignaty, I headed through to my room to dry my hair.

I blow dried it and straightened it before beginning my makeup.

I pulled on a matching white Victoria secret set, which included a push up bra and a thong, before pulling my skin tight dress on and adding my red heels. I painted my lips a matching red and headed through to Arran's room to use the mirror.

I was actually pleasently surprised that I looked so good. I headed down the stairs just as the door went and I opened it to see a pair of familiar hazel eyes looking back. I couldnt place those eyes, but the guy before me looked like someone I had met before. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Im the DJ for tonight." The guy replied, matching my tone exactly.

"Come on in." I responded, narrowing my eyes.

"Thanks Megan." He said, disappearing into the livingroom.Wait, how the hell did he know my name?!

I follwed him through, about to go all Spanish Inquisition on his ass when the doorbell rang again and I traveled back, letting in a swarm of people. The girls glared jealously at me as they passed, the guys let out wolf whistles. I left the door open and headed to the kitchen. I pulled out a beer and the boy appeared behind me. "How do you know my name?" I asked.

"Im your-" He began but Mason walked in the room and the guy changed what he was going to say. "Chase, my name is Chase." He said, before taking the beer in my hand.

I sighed, going into the fridge and taking another one. I had one of the weirdest allergies ever. I was allergic to spirits-vodka, whiskey, gin. I couldnt drink any of it without my throat swelling up.

I opened the bottle and headed off to find Arran.

I was stopped by Chase again and he said only two words that would terrify me.

"Dad knows."

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