Chapter 8

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    The two dragons soared through the maya blue sky on the way to Crimson's home.

      "We're almost there, Saguaro." he said.

        "Do you think they'll like me?" she asked him the question that had rested on her tounge since they took off.

      "Oh, of course!" he nodded, "My mother has the warmest heart in all of Phyrria, and Rouge an I have had pretty much the same friends all our lives, he'll like you if I do."

        The two dragons turned to avoid a mountain, and then they saw the castlelike structure that had been built into the side of another mountain, it's architectural beauty rivaling that of the SandWing palace. Two SkyWings about the same shade of red as Crimson stood on a large, grass covered, ledge outside of it.

          Crimson dove ahead of Saguaro to reach his family, "ROUGE! MOM!"

           "Crimson!" the SkyWing who must have been his mother gasped as her son ran to her.

            "You're alive!" Rouge cried joyfully.

            Saguaro remembered Crimson telling her that, since their home once belonged to a strong fighter in the SkyWing army who would be a useful prisoner by the enemy tribes if war broke out, it was constructed off the grid in a nearly inhabitable mountain range where no messenger would ever find it, so he could not send to his family telling them that he was okay.

         As the three scarlet SkyWings hugged and cried in joy that their lost member had returned, Saguaro began to wonder, Is this what a family's supposed to be like?


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