Dreams, Destinies and Desires

Start from the beginning

Sitting around, listening to these men argue was not Seraena's idea of fun. Simply put.

Listening to these men brawl and bicker and to hear Jacaenor shoot thinly-veiled threats first began as somewhat amusing, then incredibly tedious. But she prayed that no one would seriously offend the other. She knew how Westerosi felt about foreigners. Jacaenor was treading on dangerous ground. What if the people, both at court and in King's Landing and beyond took offence at her brother charging a steep bride price? 

But then again, they were demanding quite a sizeable sum for a dowry, she thought only the tiniest bit amused as she watched them trade insults, like beaters and bludgers.

So she sat there, robed in fine but simple silks, watching these men with a cryptic expression on her face. She looked at them.

On the opposite side, King Aerys sat with Lord Tywin Lannister by his side. Prince Rhaegar was standing on his other side and the Master of Coin- apparently their Keeper of Treasure in Westeros. Lord Tywin himself was called the Hand of the King- their equivalent to... What? Well, he was second-in-command and the only person ever permitted to sit upon the Iron Throne other than the king and that was impressive in itself. Several kingsguard flanked them including Ser Arthur Dayne, the one they called the Sword of the Morning- a complete legend, along with 'the White Bull' a nickname for their commander, Ser Gerold Hightower, and others. 

On the opposite side of the room across on the table, Jacaenor sat there, a calculating gleam in his purple eyes, with Seraena sitting nicely by his side as ettiquette demanded. With them were their bodyguards, including a Yi Tish man named Loi Han who was worth a thousand swords. Seraena knew that neither Jacaenor nor the Braavosi he so identified with held the Westerosi knights in high esteem. Anymore than anyone else does, she thought.

The queen was not present, and she had yet to meet the youngest prince Viserys. 

"If that is the case than I do beg your pardon my lords but we would have no choice but to withdraw." Jacaenor's eyebrows arched in false surprise. "As I've said, she is the first and only daughter to have been born in House Veltaris for generations, we do not give our treasures so easily, even less for a gem as she."

Tywin Lannister arched a cool brow. "Is that so?" He was handsome, even in his middle ages, with hair like beaten gold and cold green eyes flecked with gold. He had the imposing form of a born-commander but he was so cold and intimidating that Seraena failed to see how anyone could approach him.

Seraena took one glance at him and then at Jacaenor before suppressing the utter annoyance to sigh heavily. She was bored, frustrated, irritated and restless. She longed to twitch, to leave these idiot men to their own devices! Who paid money to compensate for a bride, and who paid money for a family to accept a bride into their home? 

Oh, that's right, this era. Seraena's mood worsened. It would be hundreds of years before they were as advanced as Muggles were in her world. Oh Merlin...

As a flash of annoyance dared enter her eyes, she caught the glimpse of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. His indigo eyes held hers for a moment, before she carefully, warily looked away. Too late, he must have seen her frustration and she could have sworn she saw amusement in those indigo depths much darker than her own.

Seraena wondered what kind of a person Rhaegar Targaryen wanted in a wife.

He was one of- well, in actual truth, the best-looking man she had ever seen. But as she already knew, beauty would never be enough, not for her, and not for Rhaegar.

"Tywin," King Aerys suddenly interrupted sharply, turning all eyes his way. "Tywin, raise the bride price."

Jacaenor's eyebrow arched for real this time, and Tywin Lannister only nodded, though his sourness could be sensed all throughout the room, as he raised the bride price higher to suit his king's commands.

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