Chapter 5 - Escape + Me = Angry Hunter

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Chapter 5 - Escape + Me = Angry Hunter


Why am I even doing this?

I stare at the piece of thin ragged material on my hand that was once white has now turned dark from just wiping one spot of this place he called home.

I wish I never met him!

I wish I could run away!

I wish I was never here!

I stare at the small tiny clean spot that I have managed to get rid of the stain on that took me probably two bloody hours!

What the hell has he been doing to this place!?

It reeks. It’s dusty. And especially it’s freaking dirty! And what do I get? I have to freaking clean this whole piece of crap that he calls home.

I threw the piece of clothing out of rage on the floor and childishly stomp on it wishing for it to just disappear.

“Arg!” I screamed out of frustration, I run towards the door and for the billionth time I tried to open it but for some reason this piece of old wood is stronger than expected.

“Hunter you ass! If I get out of here I am so going to get Edward Cullen to kill you!” I threatened him and all I heard from him was a ‘sure’.

“And… and… I’m going to put a hole in your scrotum and put an M80 there and blow your genitals off! Now let me out!” I screamed as I banged on the door and only ended up getting a splinter.

I’ve screaming for a long time now so how come no one even heard me!

Oh wait—probably because were in the middle of nowhere in the woods and I’m locked up inside a freaking shock like a freaking prisoner.

“Wah!!!” I whined and kicked the door only to end wincing.

Damn that hurt.

If you’re wondering how I got here well after Hunter practically kidnapped me in broad daylight with everyone watching I happen to find out that he’s taking me somewhere else and I only found out after we arrived here somewhere in the woods that papa has allowed him to do this to me!

After my great resistance to enter the shack he calls home I was practically thrown over his shoulder like some bags of potatoes and was thrown inside here with a piece of ragged cloth and ordered me to clean this freaking place.

I gave up with the threats since I know he wasn’t even bothering to listen to me so I just sat on the floor with my back rested against the door.

“I need to pee” I told him.

“Yeah, you just went a second ago and tried to escape I don’t think that’s gonna happen Pussycat” he said as I hear him let out a puff, from the scent of the atmosphere I think he’s smoking.

Well duh!

Wait—did he just call me a feline?

I’m pretty sure I’m canine since I’m freaking werewolf—well partly—but still he just compared me to a cat!

This is so getting off topic!

I need a plan and I need it now!

“I’m hungry” I whined

“So am I, now get back to work because I’m pretty sure I made it clear that you’re only going home if you finish cleaning” he said in a monotone voice and I just can’t wait until I get out of here and kill him.

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