chapter one

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hey! before you read this know that it is very old and not very well written :/ im currently rewriting this but better quality so if you want to check that out it called "wonderwall"  on wattpad. so if youre about to read this i recommend just reading wonderwall instead, its much better

thank you! (beatles instagram: phe.starkey)

paul's Pov

The sound of my old door creaking open sounded down the hall. Making we wince at the loud noise as it did so. Once it was open I remained still for a while until I was sure neither my band mates or my manager, Brian Epstein, had been pulled from their sleep form the racket the door made. No one needed to be awake for this. This was for me only.

  Once I was 100% sure no one has been woken up I slowly reached out a leg and softly placed it on the ground. Listening for a squeak from the floorboards. Barely any came. So I quickly scattered into the bathroom and slipped the door shut. Resulting in another load squeak. I stilled again, listening to see if anyone has been awakened this time.

10 seconds. 20 seconds. 30 seconds.

No one was up. Good.

I paced through the small room to the counter beside the toilet. Ok Paul, just do it.

  Slowly, I opened the door and pulled out the scale before placing it on the ground and shutting the counter door again. Making as little sound as possible. My breath quickened as I stripped my nightgown off and let it fall into a pile beside my feet on the tiled floor. I stepped into it and looked up as soon as the red pointer moved. I didn't want to see. But I know I'd look eventually. I always did.

What if I gained? What if nothing I've done worked?

The thoughts mixed around my head as my eyes slowly ventured to the scale before reading the weight. 137. Same as last time. I sighed and put the scale away gently. At least I haven't gained. I don't gain, I don't lose. Why am I stuck? People won't love me if I'm stuck. I need to lose. I slowly retreated back to my bedroom. Head hung in defeat. I'll try again tomorrow. I can't remember when I got like this. I just happened. Once I was just a boy no one liked. A nobody. I never once tried to make them like me because well, I didn't want to change who I was. Now I can't remember who I was. Who I am really. I just try and fit in. Lose weight, dress cool, try and be pretty. I've worn this mask so long I don't even know who's underneath it anymore. All I know is his name's Paul and he couldn't be more different now he's a Beatle.


Hey, a new story. This isn't a fanfiction for once! Tell me what you think, please??

paper crown (been rewritten better under the name "Wonderwall - mclennon")Where stories live. Discover now