"Dex you broke up with me," she said angrily.

"No, I did not. You ended things with me," I said.

She scoffed, "That's really typical coming from you."

"I came here to make things right with you, obviously you don't feel the same way. So have a good life." I said storming down the steps. I stopped and turned around to say, "Oh and you won't have to worry about your reputation anymore. No one will ever know you were close to falling in love with a Dizznee!"

She didn't say anything, but I got a glimpse of her eyes. They were filling with tears, but I kept going. She obviously didn't need me in her life, if she did she would've said something.



I watched him leave and I was already crying. I can't believe he thought this was all my fault! He broke up with me, he made things over. But I guess, I kind of did too.


"Hey you want to go to Mysterium?" Dex asked.

My mind flashed to the notes I found in my locker that morning.

"Um, I don't think I can go today. Sorry. I have a lot of homework, got to go! Bye!" I said quickly hanging up.

I grabbed the notes and reread them for the twentieth time.

I thought you were smarter than this. You keep dating Dizznee, your life will be over at school as it is. Everyone will know everything you've done. All your secrets, including how desperate you are for people to like you.


Wow. Didn't realize you were such a player. First Keefe, then Tam, now Dex? Wow you must be really desperate.


I can't believe your dating a Dizznee. I'm just looking out for you. His name carries baggage. It's social suicide if you date him, or go farther then that. I know you'll do the right thing.

And others were just like those. I couldn't help but start crying. I couldn't help but like Dex, but is it really my fault? Each time I closed my eyes I could remember all the girl's stares. One of them even 'accidentally' spilled their lunch tray on me. Everyone thought it was an accident, but we knew it wasn't.

The worst one said I wasn't good enough for Dex, and maybe they were right.



"Hey Biana, it's me Dex. This is the third time I've called in two weeks. I'm starting to get really annoyed. I know you've been avoiding me, so just stop being such a coward and talk to me. What's going on? I feel like such a jerk, what if something really bad happened? Uh, just call me? Okay? Alright, bye."

His voice filled my room and I couldn't help but deflate a little. It was later at night when I rang him.

He answered immediately. 

"Hey are you okay?" He asked quickly.

"Yes," I said.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, I just needed space," I shrugged.

"Space? So you chose to ignore me. You could've just said something," he sighed, running a hand through his spiked hair.

"I'm sorry. You've just been a bit much lately."

"Please explain how I've been a bit much. It's not like I shower you with roses everyday," he demanded, now irritated.

"Well for starters, everywhere we go you're always doing PDA!"

"I hold your hand Biana, that's it. Sometimes I kiss you on the cheek. It's not like I'm shoving my tongue down your throat every time we part ways," he deadpanned.

"It's not just that! You're always being sweet and stuff all the time! You never act normal like everyone else, and it's embarrassing!" I shouted.

His eyes widened in surprise.

"Well I'm sorry I'm not normal. I didn't realize everyone was your boyfriend. My golly gee, next time I'll act more normal. I'll stand the regulated five feet away from you, small talk without getting too personal. I'll greet you with the casual wave, anything I'm missing?" He asked. 

"See this is why you're so hard to be with! Everything has to be so complicated!" I shouted.

"I'm being complicated? You're the one who ignored me for two weeks, and is complaining about how I act! You really don't seem to mind when we aren't at school--when we aren't at school," He repeated to himself.

I didn't say anything.

His face paled, and he bit his lip, looking up nodding his head.

He sighed before staring me straight in the eyes, "You're embarrassed to be seen with me."

I internally cringed when his voice cracked.

"No, I'm not!" I said.

"Yes you are, and I was so stupid to think someone like you would actually want to be with me," he said.

"What's that supposed to mean? Someone like me?" I sneered.

"It means I was foolish to think that some self absorbed popularity driven girl would give two cents to someone who is the complete opposite!" He shouted.

"You and I both know that's not true!" I said.

"Please. You only hung out with Sophie because your dad told you to. And you're only still hanging out with us because now it makes you popular because of how we've saved the world multiple times. So just save your good girl speech about how you really care about me," he said sternly.

"I do care about you!" I yelled at the screen. 

He laughed, but it didn't have any emotion behind it, "I can't be in a relationship with someone who wants me to be a robot half the time!"

"Dex I--"

"Biana, I can't change who I am for you. You either take me as I am, or not at all. I'm not just some fashion accessory's you can pick and choose what you want to take home," he whispered.

"This isn't my fault," I stated defensively. 

Dex sighed, "What do you want from me?"

"Nothing. I want nothing from you. I just don't want to be so PDA all the time, that's all," I shrugged.

"Be honest with me. The only reason you want me to not be so 'PDA' all the time is because you don't want people to see," he said sadly.

I didn't say anything, and he nodded.

"I'm sorry Biana, but I can't live my life with a ghost," he said, ending the call. 

Once the screen was black I cried.



"I don't get why he makes me feel like I was the one who screwed things up. He was the one who ended things. But maybe---I don't know," I groaned.

"Biana, Dex just entered," Sophie whispered quickly.

My eyes found his quickly, and I felt a shiver run up my arm. He looked at me and his eyes screamed please don't make this worse.

I sunk into myself, and he visibly became taller. An easy smile was on his face as he went to talk to some girl in his class. She was a petite girl with long blonde hair and a friendly smile.

My heart broke when I noticed she grabbed his hand.






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