Chapter Thirty-Two

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The three of us sat in the room, it was any other normal day, we had eaten once already and the boys were playing house once again, but this time they were married and had the same kids. None of us heard the door opening from behind us.

“Get up!” A voice shouts, scaring all of us and we turn around to see some random person standing in the doorway. I nod at the boys when they give me a questioning looks, asking if they should listen to what the man has demanded of us.

“Everyone follow me, and if you refuse to do so, I won't be afraid to hurt any of you, even if you are only five.” The man sneers. I make sure my face is blank and he can't see the hateful glaze in my eyes. If he even tries to touch either one of them I would hurt him, even if he tries and tie me up, I would find a way to kill him.

I usher the boys in front of me and we all follow the man's brisk pace down the hallways. I'm surprised we haven't been blindfolded, why would they let us know the layout of the building?

Dread fills my heart when I finally come with with two options, either they're moving us, making it harder for anyone to try and find us, or they are going to kill us, which would mean they don't need us anymore, which would mean that Jaxon has stopped looking for us, assuming us dead. It breaks my heart knowing that they might have stopped looking for us, but I hope that Jaxon would be able to move on from me.

I keep try face straight, I can't let them know I am onto why we are not being blindfolded. I don't want them to give us any reason to kill us if they are only going to be transferring us.

They lead us to another room, this one has white walls, white floors, and bright white lights beaming down on you from all sides. It was so white that it hurt your eyes to look anywhere, even the ground. The man shoved the three of us in there before slamming the door shut behind us.

“Remy? What are they doing to us? Why did they move us?” Jules asks fearfully as he and Matthew curl into my side. All of us have our eyes shut o we don't have to look at all of the bright lights, it is more aggravating since we have been living in the dark for the last weeks.

“I don't know. I honestly don't know. I hope that we will okay, but I don't know.” I murmur, not bothering to tell them my theories, they don't need to know. I don't want them scared they are going to die, I just can pray that they do it fast and don't drag it out, they would never not kill them, even if I give myself up for them.

The door rattles only a few minutes later, but none of us open our eyes to look to see who has walked in. I hear a faint click and the light behind my eyes goes dim. I hesitantly open my eyes he see the light had been turned off and it was still somewhat bright in the room, thanks to the walls.

I see the man who told me that I and my demands rush over to where we are all huddled. He seemed frazzled and almost worried for us, but that couldn't be right? He didn't care about us, he just wanted whatever the people here are giving him.

“I know you all must be confused, but if you want to get out of here, you need to follow me and be quiet. I need you to do what I say, I don't have time to explain and we only have five more minutes, so we need to go now!” I want to question the man,but if this is the last chance we have a freedom, even if he is lying to us, I'm going to take it, for the boys.

I nod as I get the boys to stand up. The man picks up Matthew and I got to protest but he only tells me to pick up Jules arm to follow him, that it would be easier and faster to carry them with us.

I follow him out of the room we were out in, and hopefully out of this horrid place and into the arms of my beloved mate.

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