“Well your father is so happy to have you coming back home for the winter its all he talked about since you called”

I kept my distance from her not trying to act suss but enough  so that she couldn’t see my hurt feeling.

Emilia’s car was one I could of have guessed was hers from the minute I set foot in the parking lot. The bright Red JEP with the number plate EMZZ taped at the bottom in a bright blue standing out from all the white plane cars surrounding it.

“ here’s my baby” Emilia says as we reach the back boot.

I laughed to my self as she called this car her baby, the feeling that I had to set foot in it embarrassed  me.

I placed my bags in the boot before walking towards the passenger side door waiting for it to open. Hoping no one was watching me as I sat down on the leather covered seats.

“ lets hit the road” Emilia says bringing the car to life and reversing out of the parking space. My body slowly lowering in the seats to get comfortable for the trip home adjusting my self so that I was looking out the huge tinted window.

“  welcome home Gabby” Emilia says as a smile grows on my face. It really was good to be back.

As we turned off the main road and into a drive I sat up and looked out at the huge cottage like house in front of me. rose vines covering some of the bricks around the main door frame and Ivy scattered in different places mostly around each window sill.

It was exactly the way I remembered it all those years ago making a warm feeling flood through my body 

 “Home sweet home” Emilia says as we stoped out the front of the cottage.

I took one more look at the buildings features before joining her outside the car.

the winter chill touching my bare legs making me shiver, the winters here are nothing like the ones back home.

As I grab one of my bags from the back of the car and place it down on the gravel drive.  I hear a door open and footsteps walking towards me. as I raise my head from the ground I see my dad walking with an ecstatic expression on his face.

 He doesn’t say anything though the smile was enough to set me running towards him my eyes slowly tearing up.

As I reach my father for the first time since I was eight years old his arms wrap around me and pull me close to him my head placed on his chest.

“ I’ve missed you so much kiddo” dad says softly into my hair.

I couldn’t speak if I did the tears that where forming in my eyes were sure to fall.

“ you have grown up so much, I cant believe how beautiful you are”

I place my arms around my dads back and tighten the grip between us i had missed him so much.

Dad slowly lets go of me looking down with a huge smile.

“ how have you been?”

“ f-fine” I chocked up whipping a single tear that had fallen.

“ did you get here okay?” dad asks his expression not changing.

I nod hoping that it was enough.

“ come on, lets get you set up inside before it starts to rain.”

I followed my dad back towards the car where Emilia stood a smile on her face and a hand on her heart.

As I grab one of the bags off the ground I turn  to see dad and Emilia embraced in a kiss making my stomach turn.

“ thankyou for going to get her Em” dad says once their lips parted.

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