Sweet Lips

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This is the first time that I have tried to write in first person as a male. So please bear with me :) And sorry for the cover. It's supposed to say "Sweet Lips" not "weet Lip".


The day that I met Peer was the best and worst day of my life.

I woke up that day and knew it wasn't going to end well. I looked out the window and saw a dead dog in my driveway. I dragged my half dead body down the hallway and into the bathroom. I noticed the bags under my eyes and the dried spit on my face. I'm not one to wake up beautiful, like my older brother. I took a shower to wake myself up. I wrapped the towel around me and tried to walk back to my room. But Tab left his stupid cat out and I tripped on it. "Tabor! Come get this, thing, out of the hallway!" I yelled towards his door as I got up. I opened his door and peeped my head in. "Tab." He just rolled over in his bed. "Tab. Get your cat out of the hall."

"Is he bothering you?"

"Yea. Did you not hear the thud before I came in here."

"Oh. That was you? I thought that Dad shot another critter." Tabor grew up in the South, while I grew up in New York. Our parents met when my mom went for a bowling tournament and she ran into his dad there. We hated each other at first, but eventually we grew to get used to each other. "So that's why I saw a dead dog in the driveway." He nodded his head and waved me away.

After I got dressed, I went downstairs to have a bowl of cereal. As I was pouring the milk over my cereal, Tab grabbed the gallon and started to drink it. "Dude! I don't want that now." My favorite food was anything with milk. Tab started to drink the milk like that just a month ago, and ever since Mom has had to buy two different gallons for us. Tab finished his gulp and slammed the jug on the counter, which then splashed all over me. "Oh my gosh! You don't have any manners do you!"

"It's because I'm a guy, unlike you."

"It's because you're a redneck, unlike me."


I arrived at school just barely on time and slipped into my first period class. I grabbed a seat in the back, to avoid being seen by Mr. Wood. I looked up to notice a girl sitting in the front row. In my first period class, we didn't have a blonde girl. But now we apparently did. For the entire hour I just stared at the back of her head. When the bell rang she rushed out of the room and down the hall. I tried to race after her, but got trampled by the rest of the class.

"Jonny!" I yelled down the hallway. I saw the black haired head turn around. He's been my best friend since we were six. "What?" I ran through the hall to get closer to him.

"Hey have you seen that blonde girl in History?"

"Um. No?" I saw the blonde turn around the corner and approach a locker. I grabbed his arm and turned him around facing her. "Aw yea. Her and her sister just showed up today. I like the younger one, but it would be like dating Jace's sister."

"Yea. But what's her name?"

"I don't know! Here's a great idea! How about you ask her?" He shoved me over to her and I almost ran into the wall. I caught myself with my hand and, as normal as possible, turned towards her. She had her back to me, but I knew it was her. I didn't know who she was with, but she had the same golden hair. I slowly raised my finger to tap her shoulder. But then her company slammed her locker closed and they both walked away from me. I stood there, frozen in shock. What just happened? "Dude! You missed your chance! What took you so long?"

"I-I don't know?" Jonny hit my shoulder and turned me back around so we could walk back to class.

I went through three more classes before I saw her again. She was leaning against a locker in the Sophmore section. Must be her sister. I watched as they talked. Her lips moved slowly and gently. Her laugh was loud, but not obnoxious. I was there for about a minute when Jace came up behind me. "Boo!" He yelled into my ear.

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