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Frank POV

I was practicing archery when Percy knocked me over.
"What do you need Percy?" I asked while I got to my feet, and dusted myself off.
Percy flashed one of his mischievous grins," we're playing truth or dare-" he started. I cut him off, ignoring his glare.
"Sorry Perce," I apologized"I'm busy right now," "maybe later" I added just to be nice.
The tall raven haired boy groaned, then he seemed to remember something...
"Hazel will be there."
My eyes lit up, Hazel?


The walk to cabin 3 was short and in silence. But I was looking forward to seeing Hazel since she had spent the last week with Hecate working on her magic. I'm proud of her but I wished I could see her more. When I saw her I couldn't help myself,I ran to her then hugged and kissed the giggling Hazel before we sat down in a large circle near the front of Percy's cabin.

Everyone is here,

Me (duh)
And Leo

The raven haired boy made everyone swear on the Styx before starting.

Percy then smirked devilishly "first up, Frank "
Oh gods.
"Truth or dare?!"

(I was gonna end it there but I was like nah)

I looked up from my hands " Dare " I told him bravely. My mistake...
"I dare you to egg Clarisse"
Uh oh.
"No way" I complained "I'm not going to"
He reminded me of my oath.

Stupid river.

I rose unsteadily to find the eggs in Percy's mini-fridge and grabbed 3.then walked past our group wordlessly.
I knocked on the door of the Mar-Ares cabin. None other than Clarisse opened the door "what?" She asked annoyed. I didn't say anything but threw 1 of the raw eggs at her face and ran. "YOU STUPID ROMAN!!!!!".
Let's get this straight, I hated egging Clarisse, no matter how annoying,but after that last comment ....I was hurt.
But mostly I was mad.
I stopped running from the angry child of Ares to chuck the other 2 eggs at her. One hit her right shoulder and the other smeared into her course brown hair. To be blunt, she wasn't happy , she chase after me screaming curse after curse. If I shouted any of them I was sure my grandmother would either die from shock, or I would die from lack of blood,so when I finally made it inside the sea god's cabin I was very, VERY thankful to have gotten away from Clarisse.
I noticed the shocked looks of others before I sat down and looked to my friend , the daughter of Aphrodite...
"Piper, truth or dare?"

Thanks for reading, comments and ideas for dares are welcome, my first fanfic so please give me constructive criticism instead of just saying it sucks. Also I know Frank is out of character,sorry:(
Thanks again!

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