Chapter 1

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My mind was woundering lately; I had felt guilt before, lots of times, but this time it was different, like a pit in my chest that nothing could fill, not even pie. For my whole life I had things weighing down on me, but it was different now. I had never willingly let anything pocess the ones I love, but Sammy was dying, and I couldn't just sit back and watch when there was something that could be done. That angel that took over my brother from time to time was becoming more and more of a knob. Castiel is my family, he is all that I have outside of Sam and I told him to leave, to leave when he needed me most. He probably thought I hated him, why else would I tell him he couldn't stay in the bunker?

The radio was on, Sam was out, and I was listening for a case; anything to keep my mind off all this. Mostly it was statick and people talking in code words, much of them I was acustomed to, but some were still just a blur. "There is a 649 on Main!" A women called through the rabio, "a huge white's like nothing i've seen before!"

My heart lept into my chest, a 649 was an exsplostion, and since it was in the form of a white light, I'm going to guess some angels just met their maker.

Sam still wasn't back yet, but my juding the urgency in the womens voice, there was no time to lose. Quickly I ran to the bunker fridge were I wrote Sam a note.

"Show time." I mumbled to myself, grabbing my coat from behind the door and walkin to my Umpala, locking the door behind me with the ancient key.

Climbing into the front seat I turned my key in the ignition causing the radio to balre "Highway To Hell." Qucikly I turned down the volume; it was still early in the morning and I didn't want to risk waking anyone, most people still thought the old Men Of Letters building was abandoned, and I wanted to keep it that way.

Main street was only a five minute drive, and there was no traffic so I got there in under three. There were cops lining the street, and I didn't want to risk them seeing my Umpala. As much as I loved Baby, she didn't look like a car an FBI agent would drive.

"Are all the cops in the area here?" I thought, climbing from Baby that I had parked three streets down. This wasn't a huge city, but it was big enough. People crowded the streets, maiking it hard for me to move, so I flashed my badge, that got people making room.

Walking down the side walk I saw something out of the cornor of my eye, a man laying in a allyway, a farmilliar trench coat drapped over him. "Cas?" I called, stepping into the darkness, his lips were blue and his eyes closed. "Cas!?" My heart started to thump in my chest. "Are you OK?" I asked, kneeling at his side, but he didn't look at me. Placing my ear over his mouth I could hear how faint his breathing was. "Don't worry, buddy, I'm going to get ya otta here." I said, my arms reaching under my unconcious friend as I carried him to my car. People were too preoccupied with the exslosion to notice, and I was greatful for this.

Cas opened his bright blue eyes a crack, "Dean?" He asked weakily.

"Yes, it's me.You're gonna be OK." I said, hurring to the car and placing him gentlly in the back seat, taking off my coat and rolling it into a pillow.

Cas just laid there, his arms falling off the seat to hang beside it. "What happened?" I asked, still panicked but trying to keep my cool.

"I..." he took a deep breath, "was walking to the builing that exsploded." His voice trailed off, his eyes were still open a crack, but I could tell he was once again unconcious.

I pealed into the parking of the bunker, no longer worried about waking the nabourhood. Pulling the ancient key from my pocket I opened the door and ran inside, Cas still in my arms. He was heavy, but in that moment the pain in my arms was the least of my problems. This was my fault, if I hadn't told him to leave..I stopped, this wasn't the time for self pity, this was the time for helping m friend, making all of this right. After all, that's what I did best.

Sam was still out, so I laid Cas down on my bed. His eyes flikered open, "where am I?" He asked.

"The bunker." I said, slightly out of breath.

Cas's eyes widdened, "No." His voice came out breathy, "I can't be here." He pulled himself up from the bed and weakily walked towards the door, stumpling over his feet and knocking into a few shelfs.

"Wow wo wo." I said, my hands on his arms as I helped him back to the bed, he fought me, but he was too weak to over throw me. "You're not going anywhere." I stated, my arms crossed over my chest and my back to the wall. Cas fell onto the floor from his seating position on the bed and I quickly helped him up.

"Dean, you don't want me here, let me go, I'll be fine." He said, coughing into his arm.

My heart felt like it stopped, I felt a pressure in my eyes that told me tears would be coming soon, but I fourced it away, "Cas, of coarse I want you here." I said, walking over to the bed and taking a seat next to him.

"I feel like I'm intruding." He stated, laying down on my pillow.

"Cas!" I broke down, tears running over my cheeks, "I never wanted you to go, if you didn't then Sam would have died!" I cried.

Cas looked at me, he was surprised, he had never really seen me cry, and I knew I must have seemed weak, but I couldn't help myself. "Don't cry Dean, I'm not angery at you." He breathed.

"I know, but I'm angery at myself." I said, "I have failed everyone that I love. You're my family and I kicked you out when you needed me. You always help me, always, and the few times you have needed me, I was never there."

"Dean." Cas said, "you were always there for me. I am your friend, and I understand when you simply can't do things I ask of you. You are the one person in this word I trust, and trust is something angels don't give over easily, you have earned it."He coughed into his arm again, this time blood splattered his baigh coat.

I shot up from my spot, automaticlly understanding just how sick Cas was,"Oh my god! What happened?" I asked, my eyes felt like they might exsplode. Was Cas going to die?

Cas looked down at his sleve, "this is odd." He stated simply, "I don't know what happened. I was walking towards the exsplosion and suddenly I felt...odd....then the world diasppeared around me."

"Just lay down Cas." I said, taken aback, "I got to do some reasearch."

"No!" Cas called after me, but I was already almost out of the room, "don't go!" His voice had an innocence to it, I could tell he was scared. Hell, I was too, but he was an angel who had fallen, so he had never been ill before today.

I couldn't leave him, not again. Qucikly I picked up some books on angels and went back to the bed room. "Don't worry, I won't leave you." I said, sitting on the bed next to him and placing the books on the night stand.

Cas was awake for awhile, but then he fell asleep, his arms wrapped around my arm. I read all the night long, all about angels, and pacifically fallen ones. Nothing seemed to be about any sickness that angels get, and I was beginning to think that maybe the sickness wasn't supernatral at all, maybe it was one that any human could contract.

Sam still wasn't home, and I was beginning to get worried. That angel that had been healing him was causing him to act strange. He stayed out late and when he got home, he had no idea it had been several hours.

"Hey Dean!" Kevin called from the kitche, he had been out for ahile too.

"Is Sam with you?" I asked, trying not to wake Castiel.

"No...he went off on his own." Kevin said, walking to the bed room and opeing the door.

"Be quiet." I whispered, pointing to Cas.

"What's he doing here? I thought he left." Kevin said, waking into the bed room, his feet moving silently across the floor.

"He's sick." I said, "and I need your help."

Kevin looked at me, his eyes were bulding larger then usual, "is he coughing up blood." He said, his voice shaky.


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